haha, don't tempt me now. Don't wanna get caught
by the 'rents.
Is it really that cheap?
Hell, I couldn't afford a bubbleponics system if I wanted
to. Even if I could, i wouldn't buy it. I've read on here
too many times
"man, I could have built this myself
for 1/4 of what I paid."
I believe in learning from others mistakes. haha.
I did wanna try to do one in my closet, but
we took the closet doors off a long time ago, and my
mom is really nosy.
LOl then u should get started right away kitty... I built a tub recently for 39 bux its really simple actually...please dont waste ur money on a bubbbleponics system..
LOl u could be growing bud for less than an 1/8 cost where i live