Misting Nutes on Plants???HELP


Well-Known Member
Can this be the reason my plants' lower leaves are turning brown & crisping away due to the heat from my 400W MH & suffocating them?

Can someone please help me with this???:wall:
Often the bottom leaves do just die or When ya over water them or under water them they love to die off. Ther are other resons as well. If its just the bottom ones dnt sweat it.
yeah bro. Sounds like you misted to close to the light. My wife was down misting the plants and she did the same thing to one of my white demons. Also check your nute strength in the misting bottle. If the strength is too high you'll also get phototoxic necrotic spots.
Often the bottom leaves do just die or When ya over water them or under water them they love to die off. Ther are other resons as well. If its just the bottom ones dnt sweat it.
Its the first 2-3 nodes...once i saw yellowing & the leaves curling up then brown spots...i quit...i havent done it inabout 5 days...HUGE MISTAKE...will it affect new growth?

Don't mist while the lights are on, it will cause burnt spots.
interesting...never again...
Misting is done 1 time during veg and before flowering. Its to wash off the leaves. They will bounce back.
^some people recommend foliar feeding now and then, so fairly frequent misting. I've read that it can cause burning if the leaves are wet with the lights on them.
They will be fine. Those first nodes are often cut off the plant anyways. Foilar feeding is just problems.