Stealth Rubbermaid Growbox


Active Member
This will be my first grow and thus my first attempt at building a grow box. I read around on the net to get ideas and decided to go with Rubbermaid totes stacked on top of one another. I am going to jump straight to the end of my construction....mainly because I didn't take step by step pictures.

My thoughts behind a grow box was this:
1) Had to be stealth (hidden but can be in plain sight)
2) Had t be efficient but not too cheap or expensive...I decided paying about 200-250 was a good starting point. (haven't added up the prices yet but will do that soon to see final price)
3) Had to be quite (AKA PC COMP FANS)
4) wanted to use CFL's to not draw to much attention to heat and power draw.
5) have a large enough area for a sizable micro grow (aka at least 2- more like 3 plants)

Here's the basic idea:

two 37 gallon totes stacked on top on one anther (I'm going for stealth so i cut out the bottom of the top tote and the top of the bottom on to make it hallow inside). There is a third tote on top of the stack which is my utilities room. This is where my carbon filters are, fans, and power supply.

My goal after doing my research was to separate the grow area from the light area. I found that most people was having problems keeping these designs temperature down. I then decided to build a box to house the lights and place it inside the top of the box. Pictures will tell more.

I'd say the hardest part of this build was the construction of the light box. I spent a lot of time just tinkering with it. lol

As of now I am waiting for my computer fans to arrive in the mail (here thursday) and then I will be basically ready to grow.

I also got this idea from another design and only a few of my own ideas in the end. I don't know the rules completely so I am not sure I am allowed to post about another site...but its where I got my original idea.


I will hopefully be starting my grow as early as next week. Here's some pics of my box....sorry i don't have any of the earlier construction.
You'll notice i have no fans (waiting for them in the mail) and no intake cut yet. All the last little things I have to do will be done by the end of the week. Expect a finished grow box by monday!!!

(OK i tried to figure out how to post my pictures but in my noobness i couldn't lol) someone got ideas about how to post em. Thanks....I'll update once i get fans....or i figure out how to post these damn pics lol


OK I think I figured out the posting pictures it goes

This First pic is of the box itself and what it will look like from the outside. Notice the top tote will not be completely light proof as of now but if it still isn't with the installation of the fans then I will have to make some biggie though...:lol:

P.S. Sorry about the sideways pics....i'll see about rotating tomorrow.

Another shot of the set up...but in the dark.

Next is two pics of the inside of the grow area. This will be below my light box (which is completely closed off from the grow area) It's painted a glossy black (all they had at home depot) that bonds to plastic easily and I put an emergency blanket (got from a sporting goods store) on the interior walls to reflect the light. I choose this way before the paint wasn't cutting it when it came to making the totes light proof. OK enough rambling...

This next pic is of the box that houses all my lighting. I liked the idea of keeping my grow area and light area separate from each other to better deal with the heat issue.
P.S. this is my fav accomplishment thus far and it was the hardest part to build too. Wiring took awhile to say the least....not that i didn't know what i was doing but that it was tedious.

These last two pics are of my utilities room. the holes on the ends are going to be an intake and exhaust for the light box and the other two are exhausts for the grow room. I have already installed carbon filters in the two center holes. One pic is of the box with the lights on and one is with the lights off. I am getting the fans this thursday and should have the rest of the box completed by monday.

That's it for now...comments and more ideas are always welcome...thanks guys and i got a lot of my ideas from this sites and others dedicated to the cultivation of this great plant we call marijuana. Thanks again guys....night.



Active Member
very nice and clean but give credit where its due, i saw this same setup elsewhere

Thanks cadillacjack for the input...I want to give the credit to another grow but he's from another site. Over there and international cannagraphic magazine. I can't remember his entire name but it was blue something. Their site is down or being upgraded right now so I can't check on it. I will get back with the name asap.


Active Member
Ok so i did get the idea from a fellow grower and i would like to give him credit. He's over at International cannagraphic website and his name is Blue_adept. Thanks man for the great design.


Active Member
So the guy I got this idea from is Blue_adept. He sure knows his shit and I want to give him the credit for my box and the entire design. I did add a few things that he didn't but overall it's his design through and through. Thanks man...peace


Well-Known Member
Well made. BlueAdept style, eh? Whenever i see a traditional rubbermaid, i always try to post them a link to his thread to show them how they should have done it. I'm actually impressed.


Active Member

AS of tonight I have 4 of the 6 fans I am looking to run in this box (might add more in the actual grow room). I solved to power issue by purchasing an AC to DC power converter which worked out perfectly. :-P
I am getting my seeds tonight and starting tomorrow (Monday). hope someone is out there checking this out. Peace



Active Member
just wanted to let everyone know that I got my seeds this morning and started to germ them. Should plant them later this afternoon if everything goes well. heres to my fingers being crossed


Active Member
o and once I finish and actually start my grow I will prob move over to another forum that is more connected to the growing aspects.


Active Member
Very nice!! Are you going to let them grow straight or are you going to SCROG/LST them??

I was thinking about just letting them grow straight but since I have a limited amount of space I decided to at least do some LST to my girls. I don't think I will be doing the SCROG this first time around because of the hassle it would put me under and I don't want to get to Overzealous and run into too many problems this first time.

So basically yes I will be doing some LST on at least 2 of my 3 girls. (the preposed amount) and waiting to do the SCROG until my second grow.

Thanks for the imput...I'm taking some picture now of the construction I am doing today and hopefully the finished product with soil and seeds starting tonight.



Well-Known Member
This has to be one of the coolest things I have seen. The origional link isn't working. I need to build one.


Active Member

Its taking longer then expected for the seeds to pop so I am waiting on that to start the grow. I am completed with the construction (hopefully) and here are some pics of the set up.

this is where i'm at till now. I hope my sees are done tomorrow and I can plant. Until then...peace



Active Member
UPdate: Veg stage started 1/26/09 (planted)

I am excited to finally start. I woke up this morning to find of the three seeds I had germin one was perfect (all I needed with the seeds from the first batch I did) and the other two were close behind. I decided to pick the best two, plant one in the one remaining spot in the box and put the other outside as an experiment.:mrgreen: Well that's it for now. I'll update as the girls start to sprout. Till then, peace



Well-Known Member
i tought the idea was amazing was tempted to try it since i only grow 3 plants at the time but here's my questions.

#1 the light is not ajustable so wont the plant grow strechy since light is gona be around 30" high?
#2 since the lights are cfl's the plant will be smaller with less buds?