Out of nowhere 4 months later & no serrations


Active Member
Hey, not to elongate a thread any longer than it should be ,,,, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, but I just actually took a look at that pornographic picture you posted... I do't care what you say... that is fucking nice...


Well-Known Member
My sister in law lives in Florida and she has those plants growing wild in the woods behind her house. Funny thing happened to her neighbor....when the neighbor moved in and saw that plant, she called the cops on herself to make sure it wasnt mj.

Nice Brainwreck :hump:


Well-Known Member
Cops laughed it off and told her what it was. It all worked out good.

Too easy, no worries mate ;)


Active Member
Fuck man... I think your sense of humor is funnier than mine,.... i could laugh at oyu all night long... just not over a forum cos that would get tired... but tall cans in the air to you my person...


Active Member
If you're asking me how much of the hibiscus I smoked???? I spun it you.... you,.,,, I spun it.... so.... I was well with in my rights to sp[in it..... so I spun it...I am 30 now so I can smoke what ever the fuck I want... thanks :)


Active Member
thanks peopel... now I have some cyprus hill to smoke my daisies to 'm just right at home... I still have the dream mind you... YES! Once I get my real plant I now have a bunch of funny people to share it with !!!!


New Member
LOL.. 30 is old?....Holly shit... I know more +30 years old stoners than i do -30 years old... But then again cause im not hanging with them...LOL... Umm im sure you have some sorta pain or depression, Migraines?... http://www.medicannusa.com/

Become happier in life...

OH and whatch this video... if you wanna


Try being a 55 yr old stoner..thats been growing weed for over 15 yrs.....thats me:mrgreen: