Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Strippers and birdshit .. I'll pass on that show ..
Don't knock it til you tried it!
NG we may be on to something here, a nakiid girl with a Parrot, sounds like a money maker to me! If she stops dancing Oz will attack her and make her dance more, I have seen him do this.


Well-Known Member
Sh!t, I bet if your booty could make a grand a night she would be booking your shows.....atleast I would be.:)

I can do that without taking off my clothes . Just reading a tape and putting wood together with nails ... And I dont Need a pimp to help me ''Manage " pole time , or lap dances ..


Well-Known Member
In all seriousness, that is some good money she is talking about. I don't know any other legal job that allows you to make that kind of money in a night. I bet they don't pay taxes on it either.


New Member
there are lots of hidden cost for a stripper. if she is bringing home a grand a night, she is spending most of her time in the vip room doing the special lap dances...


Well-Known Member
In all seriousness, that is some good money she is talking about. I don't know any other legal job that allows you to make that kind of money in a night. I bet they don't pay taxes on it either.
I can make that waiting tables at some places. Money is everywhere you just have o know where to look.

Coat check at political parties in DC. Hell I can make more that that doing an easy catering job.

Or you could just grow a lot of weed. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
In all seriousness, that is some good money she is talking about. I don't know any other legal job that allows you to make that kind of money in a night. I bet they don't pay taxes on it either.

In this economy .. I bet there is MORE going on then just dancing on a pole .. Look up Scores in NYC ( the feds just closed it ) .. Top shelf girls , they were making that much too ,, GUESS HOW


Well-Known Member
and Every other stripper says "" Im doing it for school Money "' Yea ok .. There are student loans for that ..

Chris Rock said it best

" If your a dad and your daughter is on a stripper pole .. You fucked up somewhere "

Let one of my daughters try that .. There will be 1 less at our dinner table