starting a grow in a country with power cuts.


New Member
lol the OP still wont say where he lives ..I mean, shit,I dont hate nobody for trying to grow them some smoke no matter WHERE they live.. Whether it be in Hawaii or Cambodia.. I just think its pretty fucked up to live where you dont have a steady supply of electricity.. But, I also understand that not everyone in the world even has running water, enough foood etc etc.. But if someone has a PC and internet access, I would think that they would have constant electricity.Unless they have some type of wireless cell phone type of internet. But regardless of where he lives, I can understand him wanting to grow some smoke.. But I just dont understand the whole power thing and dont understand why you cant just grow it outside because it sounds like your kind of isolated and not in a big city.. But when ppl post stuff and only give a little info, you have to fill in the blanks.. But thats not always a good thing as potheads have hella imaginations lol.

Good luck w/ your endeavours and I hope you get what u need.



Well-Known Member
yo old phart, he didnt say he was completely out of power, and i am very aware that there are places in this country that dont have power, he said he lives in a country where they have POWER CUTS,cuts is the key word if you didnt realize. and im sorry to hear you spend your summers with no power.
I was just pointing out that even in this country there isn't power everywhere. Oh, I don't spend it without power, just not on grid..How else would I run the lights stereo, 'puter and tube!!*g* I do enjoy not tripping over tourists but puhleeezee us olde pharts still want our comfort. We stay in the mountains..The wife says it's safer for me to be in the woods than in town as she HATES paperwork, and she seems to think that ME+ tourist might = paperwork*shrug* I don't know why...I understand visitors, I don't mind them..but T'sya know the ones who ask how to get somewhere...inh their car 30Ft from the big highway sign.
Wasn't trying to rattle ya.


Well-Known Member
i repeat...

Power cuts + internet access = War torn country.

if he was in a 3rd world country which cant afford to supply its nation with steady power, i doubt the nation can supply higher education. since he is intellectual enough to even use a PC and search for this forum, and judging by his english, and knowledge, i'd say hes a pretty bright guy.

So we can only assume his power station was bombed.


Active Member
i repeat...

Power cuts + internet access = War torn country.

if he was in a 3rd world country which cant afford to supply its nation with steady power, i doubt the nation can supply higher education. since he is intellectual enough to even use a PC and search for this forum, and judging by his english, and knowledge, i'd say hes a pretty bright guy.

So we can only assume his power station was bombed.
whats the going rate for a triple humour bypass?



Well-Known Member
No offense but a lot of you guys are ignorant morons :dunce:....Americans? No offense....Not everyone has power 24/7, and if they dont it does NOT mean they live in a war torn country.

Open your Eyes. The world is a lot bigger then you think, in some countries 15-20 hours of power a day is a fucking LUXURY.

The original poster obviously is doing pretty damn good for himself if he is in a country that loses daily power, and still has a home, internet access, and apparently a better education than half the posters in this thread. Thats not easy, if he can do it in a 2nd or 3rd world country, then Props to him. Imagine what he would have done if he was born in the USA. :-|

Anyways, Your gonna want to make sure you have a surge protector on the panel, and dont overload any breakers. Ballasts dont have an on/off switch, they start or stop by getting the power turned on or cut by a timer, so they can handle it.

What you want to avoid though is turning a ballast off, then trying to start it again without letting the bulb cool. It wont fire the bulb properly and it will just glow but be really dark, give the bulb enough time to cool before trying to restart it.

Using CFLs as a backup is a great idea and should work great, as long as they come on when the power goes out the plants should be OK. If the power usually goes out around the same times try and plan it out so you can run your lights during the longest period without the power going out.:leaf:

Also instead of 300w of CFL, you could run a pair of 150w HPS, that would probably be a lot better.



New Member
Dont really take anything I say serious cuz most of the time I am just jk.Its hard to get my type of humor across with just letters lol.. I guess I have more of an "in person" type of humor lol


Well-Known Member
umm are you calling me illiterate?
Not trying to be an ass... I just smoked a bunch of kush keif and I couldn't :-P

This is just from one post....

lol the OP still wont say where he lives ..I mean, shit,I dont hate nobody for trying to grow them some smoke
potheads have hella imaginations lol.
:clap:I Have A Disease.. I'm Allergic To Stupid Shyte:clap:

Also I didnt actually say anyone was illiterate. I said the original poster probably has a better education than half the posters in this thread.


Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
To gettinghigheveryday, I understand your situation, your a white colonist who lives in a mansion in Africa right? Just joking. If you put the HPS on a small time delay so it turns on 10 seconds or so after you plug it in (power comes on) it would sort out your problem, I don't know how you would go about that though.


Active Member
wtf is "off grid" ? dude almsot every place in the free world except for third world countries have power so i dont know what u mean.
living off the grid - To live off the grid using power from solar panels and such that provide you a power sorce aka free power with out using power made my a power company:weed:


Well-Known Member
To gettinghigheveryday, I understand your situation, your a white colonist who lives in a mansion in Africa right? Just joking. If you put the HPS on a small time delay so it turns on 10 seconds or so after you plug it in (power comes on) it would sort out your problem, I don't know how you would go about that though.
Surge protector on the panel is the most important thing, it will also save everything if your house or power lines get hit by lightning. And run your HPS through a digital timer, There should be enough of a delay, and the digi timer would get fried first, but everything should be grounded so you should be good. Maybe set up a fuse in the line, like on a power bar.



New Member
HAHA someone gave me -rep on this thread for "being gay"

HAHA .. I actually could care less about "rep".. I learned a long time ago not to give a fuck what ppl think.. But thx for noticing!