Whos youandiunderwaterwhaat im fuckin drruuuuunnnk ahahahah what are you talking aboutttttt??!
Lol.....naw fuck that shit... leave me outta this. LOL, I know none of these people on here.... I live on an island in the Caspian sea...Heard?!!!!
asswhole 7plauges, trying to get me raided or some shit. Jk, but for real B, keep my shit on the downlow. Fuck man, can't ever get X7P drunk... lol Either he wants to box you, or want to tell everone secrets, jk. Can't wait to see the end result of X7p or SAMisery...
you talk a lot of shit on the forum you asshole lol
i live in a place called highlands..
Hell yah.... I growing badseed (all from dank i believe (personal collection)) and this guys got AI growin and shit.... come on nigga, hook me up lol, like anyone is going to question a little clone hidden in side a birthday cake from your grandma that says 'Happy birthday Timmy, From Grandma" LOL. I could get my Clone, a cake, and eat it too...
SA MIsery, hows the smell in there? CUz i have 8 3week olds, and they already smell like nice soft freshness