female with pollen sacks


Well-Known Member
You have a hermie not a female, might just wanna start over tbh, the pollen sacks will just keep coming and grow within the buds causing it to seed eventually, it's a shit i know but just sometimes just get unlucky. Did u start from a feminised seed? they are really prone to it if u did, stay away from feminised and u shouldnt have any probs in future.


Well-Known Member
It's hard but get it out of your growroom b4 them sacks open.If they do open the male spurs can lay dormant for a while so get it out if you have female plants near to it and sacks open they will prob be pollenated by now.The best advice is if you have other plants in there and sacks havent opened yet remove it care fully and when i say careful i mean careful i had one some time ago and has soon has i touced it pollen fell from it.I let the plants around it run through there full cycle and i did get some nice bud but it was full of seeds you can try and get a couple of female's of the seeds but i would disinfect the whole area and do it realy well then get some nice femanised seeds.SORRY MATE BUT SHIT HAPPENS Most growers at one point come across this problem when 1st starting out but keep at it and you will get there stick to the femanised strains it's alot easyer when you first start out the more knowedge you gain then you can mess around with any cannabis seeds that you come across.

the chin

Well-Known Member
bang on just what i need thank you,dont know for sure why this happens to me my room pitch black even mid day with lights off, i top them before flower maybe this dont help the cause

the chin

Well-Known Member
sacks are ther no pollen as of yet only 1 week in,so is that bottle of reverse stuff no good

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
Dont get rid of it if its just a sack here and there, Not a hermy just a stressed out female. If you find clusters of pollen sacks then get rid of it
You need to correct the problem. Make sure your room is light tight and that your temps are stable
Just check the plant every day or two and make sure that you get those balls as they form. When I found them I just rub against them and they come off clean
The first plant I flowered grew balls for the first 3 weeks of flowering and I couldnt figure out what was causing it. It turned out to be the electronics in my closet. I put electrical tape on all the "power lights" and the problem stopped. I got really good bud off of it and only found one seed.


the chin

Well-Known Member
thanks jake,taugh it might b power lights on me time r but the fuck r go s out with the lights my room is light tight, gona keep them any way


Active Member
This is exactly what i have heard also. It is a female, just not to happy of one. I have heard if they are stabilized it may be savable. My unproffesional opinion is if you have enough to spare one plant get rid of it. It could ruin your whole crop. It could be your a good producer. Its a risk.