starting a grow in a country with power cuts.


Well-Known Member
Whoever -repped me is a moron, 2 people did, or the same person tried twice... funny that it had no effect...which means under 500 posts. Hmmm wonder who it was.

rep ranking system

BTW I didnt -rep anyone without cause, and when I do I at least leave my name cause Im not a bitch.



New Member
wasnt me lol.. someone rep'd me and said "I think its bctrippin" givin -rep", but I knew it wasnt you.. If I give any type of rep i leave my name lol. So seriously, it wasnt me. I thknk that ppls names shoud be auto diaplayed when leaving rep like on some other sites . I'd hate to make a forum enemy over something I didnt do. BTW I just got fin eating turkey tacos.. I wasnt even on.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Would it be better to go straight CFL's so no interruption in light?, plus wouldn't need to lose max light as CFL's use way less from UPS>*shrug* I just love my CFL's.


Well-Known Member

Why do people leave rep and someone elses name? Some people need to Grow Up already. When I -rep I actually leave my name and a reason why I felt they deserved a -rep.

wow wtf... photobucket is fucking up bad.. w/e I go to it this thing pops up saying my pc has a virus and takes me to one of those bS websites.. this happening to anyone else? it takes me to .. I know for a fact I dont have a virus lol.


Active Member
for doing that pic part just press the print scrn button , open up paint and adjust the pic so that you have only what you want in that pic. Save it then post it.


Well-Known Member

Why do people leave rep and someone elses name? Some people need to Grow Up already. When I -rep I actually leave my name and a reason why I felt they deserved a -rep.
BEWARE!!That will fuup bad ...It's adaware and IT'S the virus.. If you can get Kaspursky or equivalent. Those "warnings" are bad news..


Well-Known Member
i live in a war torn country that just few years ago stoped having annual power cuts and now with this gas crisis in ukraine people started using too much electricity for heating so the cuts started again and i just got my growroom assemble,so if his in europe its probably the region; bosnia,serbia,romania...


Active Member
yea I would deff have thoes UPS backup battery for my grow room even though I am using CFLs its just better since there are a bunch of grow ops around here and they all managed to blow 2 transformers for the powerline by my place and we had no power for 3 days so at least after a few grows I will be getting at least 1 of them


Well-Known Member
how much light do i need in case of a shortage just to keep'em from getting stressed,is a few cfl's enough


Well-Known Member
Wind back up is the way to go, about $1K total system. Batteries ,turbine, inverter, tower. DC gen is best as wind speed not as critical..wider range.


Well-Known Member
i saw that
i hope to move to a house from my apartment so then i would definitly try using wind power do u know how what strenght wind can be used in this way as a minimum