Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


New Member
She passes out from perfume, it makes her so sick. She couldn't go to high school because of it. She actually passed out in class from the teachers perfume and then the school didn't even have the balls to call me. They held her prisioner in the office and sent her on her way at the end of the day.

I'd love to have 5 minutes alone with that principal, just me, a baseball bat and his fat bald ass.

That Avon perfume can kill me dead...snot hanging to my knees:( tear gas is better for me that that stuff.


Well-Known Member
She passes out from perfume, it makes her so sick. She couldn't go to high school because of it. She actually passed out in class from the teachers perfume and then the school didn't even have the balls to call me. They held her prisioner in the office and sent her on her way at the end of the day.

I'd love to have 5 minutes alone with that principal, just me, a baseball bat and his fat bald ass.
Is it just perfume or does she have a reaction to air fresheners and such? That is a tough allergy!! I could not imagine being affected by someones cologne while I am out shopping. Christ, shopping in the mall is probably scary for her! Aw, that is really something! Does she have any medicine she can take?

Morning everyone, again!:leaf::leaf:


New Member
It's all scented poducts, those new dryer sheets that renew the stink when the clothes are touched are really frightening.

We don't go to the mall, movies, anywhere public that is indoors. I have the same allergy. If we have to go to a mall, we park by the door closest to the store and run in, get what we need and we are right back out.

Elevators, now those are scary, trying to hold your breath until you get to your floor. I prefer the stairs.

There is no medicine for it either, there isn't even any testing, that is where the problem is. You can't go and be tested and have a doctors note to back you up. Even doctors shrug us off.


Well-Known Member
Filled sink allergy analogy Miss? Have you heard it? Those same perfumes have been shown to cause small testicles in males. true medical study.:)


Well-Known Member
It's all scented poducts, those new dryer sheets that renew the stink when the clothes are touched are really frightening.

We don't go to the mall, movies, anywhere public that is indoors. I have the same allergy. If we have to go to a mall, we park by the door closest to the store and run in, get what we need and we are right back out.

Elevators, now those are scary, trying to hold your breath until you get to your floor. I prefer the stairs.

There is no medicine for it either, there isn't even any testing, that is where the problem is. You can't go and be tested and have a doctors note to back you up. Even doctors shrug us off.

my father had that same type of allergy later in his life.....when my younger brothers would wear perfume he couldn't breathe and had to run out of the room.....it was intense i cant imagine having that allergy


New Member
I get really bad chest pains, my throat starts to feel like it is closing, I get dizzy and feel like i'm going to pass out (that sensation where it sounds like everything is really far away). I get a really bad pounding headache.

Daughter gets all those and her lips turn blue and her skin gets this ashy gray color. I've never noticed those 2 things on me though.


Well-Known Member
I get really bad chest pains, my throat starts to feel like it is closing, I get dizzy and feel like i'm going to pass out (that sensation where it sounds like everything is really far away). I get a really bad pounding headache.

Daughter gets all those and her lips turn blue and her skin gets this ashy gray color. I've never noticed those 2 things on me though.
Wow, that is amazing. I am sorry!!! That is the equivalent to an allergic reaction to penicillin. It sounds like it could be deadly. I have never heard you even complain, I give you props!


Well-Known Member
Morning Tipsgnob ,I am thinking of buying some vbulletin server space any Ideas for a subject other that Canna?...It is something to do then i can be my own mod:)


New Member
this is why I'm always home and online. I don't like to go out in public. I like it here, it's nice and safe.

Wow, that is amazing. I am sorry!!! That is the equivalent to an allergic reaction to penicillin. It sounds like it could be deadly. I have never heard you even complain, I give you props!


New Member
Gogrow is staff now too, I guess they are just upping of the staff, dunno...
fdd and chiceh are the only active mods...garden knowm is like that weird uncle you have not seen in 6 years that just shows up out of nowhere and potroast only comes around when he has the chance to fuck with someone. so, I guess they needed new blood.