Free Tricks To Increase Yields.


Well-Known Member
If you know any free tricks or tips to increase yeild please post them here.

Please do me a favor,if you have nothing to contribute then please do not post in this thread about "your" fears,this thread is for people who have do it yourself ability & for people who understand how to install a hot water heater,if installing a hot water heater is not in the scope of your handyman ability then do not attempt.

Also,if you are the type who sees danger everywhere please do not post here unless you have a very firm understanding that all im talking about is to move the exhaust pipe to a new vent location, using common sense & an understanding of exhaust needing proper rise so it can vent,if the understanding of rise vs exhaust is out of your skill range then do not attempt.

This is just as safe as a regular hot water heater install so if you want to warn of danger please come prepared with hard nailed facts because there are people who understand how to vent a water heater who can use this in their grows, this application does not require very much skill to effect properly or in a safe manner,and it is not an explosion hazzard.

A trick i started using back before there was the internet was to make my own non regulated co2 & it has proven to work,not those shake n bake bottles of yeast but a steady supply that fills the room in large amounts several times a day,its a simple trick but requires that you have access to a gas operated water heater.

The vent pipe on top a water heater is where the burned gas fumes are vented out of the building,these vented gasses are very rich in co2,you take apart the exhaust pipe & re run it through the top portion of the grow room wall in a location where a fan can disperse the gas to the entire room,every time the water heater comes on to heat the water you get a massive shot of co2.

I have 2 bud rooms but only one room is within a distance where i can vent the water heater exhaust into the room so only one rooms gets the goodies,the differences between the 2 rooms is pretty easy to see,the plants with the exhaust are greener,grow faster & have a good percentage larger yeild over the non gassed plants.

If you are a doubter start reading up on what gas operated co2 generators are all about,look into how they are designed,there are differences but not that large,they both run on the principal of running in a non efficent manner which creates more co2 in the form of exhaust gasses,this shit works for real,no gimmiks,no tricks,no yeast & sugar ,just large amounts of free co2 that you can semi regulate intervals by regulating when you use hot water,every time you use hot water you increase the co2 levels.

I will post another trick ive allways used later this evening.


Well-Known Member
Thats a great idea pan head, I can't believe it never occured to me! I don't have any cheap tricks but I hope to learn some!


Active Member
its also very dangerous to be screwing with your water heater, you don't want to create any back drafts and blow your house up.


Well-Known Member
im not gunna fuck with my water heater, and i usually know what im doing. Have you seen the mythbusters were a regular water heater blows up a house and flies like 500 feet high? scary shit, but a brilliant idea. If it works for you, then hey...


Well-Known Member
its also very dangerous to be screwing with your water heater, you don't want to create any back drafts and blow your house up.
Great contribution there pal.

Boy oh boy,you danger warning guys never quit do you :roll:only a moron dont understand that an exhaust needs rise for it to be able to vent,as long as there is enough rise in the pipe the chances of the pipe not venting properly are a ho-gillion to one.

I dont post information for children to use or for people who have no do it yourself ability at all,this is as easy as it gets & every bit as explosion safe as exhausting directly out of the building,all it requires is common sense & the ability to look at how the existing pipe is ran & duplicate that to a tee only venting it in another location,i swear :wall:


Well-Known Member
Guys hes not talking about modifying his water heater, and nothings gonna blow up.....

Just vent the exhaust into your budding room.

The only downside is that you may collect carbon monoxide in the room which can be dangerous, but its well worth it. Just dont stand in your room taking deep breaths..... :wink:


Well-Known Member
damn, sounds great, but i would have to run a hose 50ft through my and i did see the mythbusters, that would be my luck, i would still giver a go though if i could

just buy a carbon monoxide detector if your worried about that


Well-Known Member
im not gunna fuck with my water heater, and i usually know what im doing. Have you seen the mythbusters were a regular water heater blows up a house and flies like 500 feet high? scary shit, but a brilliant idea. If it works for you, then hey...
You guys never stop with the danger nonsense i swear,first you start off saying you usually know what your doing, then go on to quote a mythbusters episode as back up of your complete misunderstanding of this simple task, and you have misunderstood very badly.

The mythbusters guys took hot water heaters,then removed all saftey devices,then they removed & capped off the pressure relief valve so it could not vent,then they pumped the hot water heater full of compressed air until it reached allmost 3 times the water heaters pressure capacity until it exploded,again an entirely different thing than simply moving the exhaust pipe to a new location.


Well-Known Member
Guys hes not talking about modifying his water heater, and nothings gonna blow up.....

Just vent the exhaust into your budding room.

The only downside is that you may collect carbon monoxide in the room which can be dangerous, but its well worth it. Just dont stand in your room taking deep breaths..... :wink:
Thank you,i swear it never ends with these guys,they preach danger everywhere,i could see it if it was something dangerous but since they have no clue & have no basic understanding of the concept of meerly redirecting a simple exhaust pipe they freak out & think everything is going to explode.

How the hell do these guys effect repairs on the houses they live in if running a hot water heater exhaust pipe is above their ability,shit,i could safely install a hot water heater when i was 15 years old.


Well-Known Member
Hey natmoon,where have you been,havent seeen ya round much.
So busy with all sorts from music to pot,it never ends.
I do try to pop in every day though but i am not as active as i was.
Keep up the good work panhead and i still want your house:-P


Well-Known Member
dude i have a water heater connected to my grow room. i could probly set that up easily, or have a friend set it up. im in an apartment. dont know if that matters.


Well-Known Member
dude i have a water heater connected to my grow room. i could probly set that up easily, or have a friend set it up. im in an apartment. dont know if that matters.
Its your call weather to do it in an appartment or not but it is a very safe method,ive used this exact same water heater method for my last 5 grows & was using it 25 years ago,all without one single problem,just be sure you understand how to install a vent pipe,if your not sure you can look at the current install,put a level on the exisisting pipe to get the angle then re mount to exhaust into the grow area.

The only thing that will explode will be your buds, with new growth.


Well-Known Member
DWC- if u give your gal her own res and double the size of it as she enters flowering, she will double her output-i.e.- 3 zips continued res and 6 zips with it doubled. but u gotta do it right as she enters flowering and cant be an overly mature or immature plant.


Well-Known Member
sounds dangerous
You took the time to join this thread & that is all you had to say:clap:.

As i said at the start of this thread,it is for people with the bare minumum of skills & some Do It Yourself ability,the only people this is dangerous to are the people who have no DIY ability or cant figure out how to install a hot water heater.

The girl on the show Home Time installs hot water heaters all by herself :o

fat sam

Well-Known Member
hey panhead i think there should be a new thread for safety moms diy on here, that way they cant try and ruin a totaly good post about shit that works, i actually did this years ago in my grow in my attic because the vent went strait up from the garage through the attic where i was growing, so i cut the pipe out and the vent from the water heater was my air intake and the rest of the pipe from the water heater vent was my vent out of the house and it worked wonders, maybe just start the thread by saying safety moms not allowed