Flowering questions


Active Member
Hey rollitup.

So it is time for me to begin flowering, but I have a few minor questions. In regardes to nutrients, how do I switch my plant from its veg nutes to its new flowering nutes? Is it as simple as just feeding it with the nute enhanced water I have made for flowering, or should I flush the soil first? This is my first flowering, so I really want to get this right. Also, I have heard that your plant will double, and even sometimes triple, in size. So if I have a plant that is 22" tall now, does that mean that by the time I am done with flowering I will have a 44" tall plant?

Also, I am flowering using CFLs, and I want to maximize all the light I can for bud production. I have heard that a lot of people trim off the lower growth so that the plant focuses on only the top of the plant. How far down can I trim without cutting off branches that would otherwise yeild some buds?

I am sorry for all of the questions, but this is my first serious grow and I am thirsty for all the knowlage I can get. I can already tell that I am now hooked on this wonderful process, and I am already prepairing for my next grow. Please be patient with me RIU, we were all learning at some point.

Thanks guys and gals.

Oh yeah, the pics are of my baby. I am so proud of her.



Well-Known Member
I switch my lights to 12/12 and continue the grow nutes for the 1st week. The 2nd week I start flowering nutes. No flush but I do have plain ph'd water as part of my feeding regime.
I also trim off the bottom 1/3 of my plant about a week before starting flowering.
Your plant will have explosive growth the first few weeks of flowering...YES, it will get 2-3 times its size. 22" will get between 44 and 66 inches! If you are restriced with height, start to bend and tie them down.


Active Member
What do you mean bend and tie them down? Also, how often do you feed your plant with nute water? I have found that my plant needs water about every three days, so for the last two waterings I have given it nute water. Is this a mistake? Should I alternate between giving it nutes and then regular ph balanced water, and then switch back to the nutes? Like I said, this is my first serious grow and I am hungry for all information I can get.

Good to know my plant will start blowing up here soon. I just started it on flowering last night, so the next few days should be quite interseting. I have heard some people say that you should give it 24 hours of dark before you flower and then start it on 12/12, but I just kicked it right into 12/12. Don't know if that was the right thing to do but it made sense to me to do it that way.


Active Member
Ok, so I am three days into flowering and I think it is starting to show sex but I am not totally sure. Tell me what you think.

1st picture is the top of the plant, dead in the middle is what I am thinking is a hair, but I am not sure.

2nd picture is one of the branches. It was the one that showed it the most.

Like I said, day three of flowering, am I just tripping and seeing what I want to see?



Well-Known Member
Ok, so I am three days into flowering and I think it is starting to show sex but I am not totally sure. Tell me what you think.

1st picture is the top of the plant, dead in the middle is what I am thinking is a hair, but I am not sure.

2nd picture is one of the branches. It was the one that showed it the most.

Like I said, day three of flowering, am I just tripping and seeing what I want to see?
no, that's just new growth. you'll see some signs after a week or even 2. females are really obvious, two little white hairs coming out of what looks, disturbingly, like a vagina. boys have balls...balls, of course. look for this where the branches meet the main stem and look at the upper third of your plant for these signs, first.


Active Member
Ok kids, update. I have no clue if these are early balls, or if they are calyx housing that is just very premature. I have only been in flowering for 4 days, so keep that in mind. The more I look at them the less I can decide what they are, so I figured I would let you guys decide. The reason this is such a pressing issue for me is because I have seedlings that could use the space and light this plant is using right now, and if it is male I am just wasting my time. Please give me your opinions RIU.

1st picture is kind of dark

The second one you can see what I am talking about pretty good. It just looks like a little tiny sack starting to grow out of where the branches join.

Also, I have heard that male plants are tougher than female plants, any truth to this, because this is one resiliant plant?



Well-Known Member
I'm gonna answer before I look at the pics...then tell you if I was right or not...
at 4 days, that is just new growth.
you probably won't see much in the way of sex until 7-10 days and up to or beyond 2 weeks.
now I'll go look at the pic...


Well-Known Member
well, either your using a phone cam or your cams resolution is set to low. those pics are too fuzzy to see any detail.
this is how a good, close-up photo should show detail...(see my pic below)

try a regular camera, resetting to a higher resolution or don't hold the plant (hands shake, and two hands shake more-one on the plant, one on the camera)

so, I can't tell and anyone else who says anything otherwise, att, is just guessing.



Active Member
Ok, so update. 1st week of flowering. I think I am starting to get some signs, but I am not sure. My top growth looks WAY different than it ever has before, and it is starting to remind me of the top of a cola. I know the pictures are shitty, I only have a web cam, but I like to keep updates. Not so much for everyone else as it is for myself. But anyway, enjoy.



Well-Known Member
that is two or three plants, in the photos? if its two...possibly, the second one is female. the first one is just showing rapid growth...kinda looks like the beginning of flowers, but it isn't...not yet. these pics look much better, but a web cam just can't get much detail...it's fine.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so update. 1st week of flowering. I think I am starting to get some signs, but I am not sure. My top growth looks WAY different than it ever has before, and it is starting to remind me of the top of a cola. I know the pictures are shitty, I only have a web cam, but I like to keep updates. Not so much for everyone else as it is for myself. But anyway, enjoy.
Dude look at the flowering spot if there is white hairs commin out the pistles its a female if it does not or has pollen sacs its a male


Well-Known Member
Ok, so update. 1st week of flowering. I think I am starting to get some signs, but I am not sure. My top growth looks WAY different than it ever has before, and it is starting to remind me of the top of a cola. I know the pictures are shitty, I only have a web cam, but I like to keep updates. Not so much for everyone else as it is for myself. But anyway, enjoy.
Im not sure about the first one but the other ones should be females b/c they have white pistils.