Brainwreck Harvest!!!(porn)


Well-Known Member
dude ill send u 30$ for a gram of that shit!..aha thats amazing!'s only been in the jar for 3 days and it has such a sweet licorice smell..its amazing..the green one is still kinda grassy...but the dank is starting to come out...

i cant wait to smoke this stuff...i hope its as good as it looks.


Well-Known Member
Be careful watering when revegging- there is not nearly as much above ground mass, and still the same amount of roots to soak up water. Very easy to over water. Other then that, nitrogen, and 24/0.


Well-Known Member
Be careful watering when revegging- there is not nearly as much above ground mass, and still the same amount of roots to soak up water. Very easy to over water. Other then that, nitrogen, and 24/0.
is growbig by ff good?? i figured i would give it 1/4 strength veg nutes after a week...i just gave her a bigger pot and some new ffof soil...


Well-Known Member
thanks...i just harvested another purple trying to reveg this one so i can pull some clones..

i over fed her bushmaster at the beginning of flower, and that made the leaves claw up. i hope she has enough life left in her to give me some clones.



Well-Known Member
What was the wet weight of that shit..looks like u will get prob a oz maybe more...but thats one of the best harvest i have ever seen Smokey i give u mad props!!!! i have honestly never seen weed like friend lives in spain and he sent me some bud once from there...and it was only a gram and it looked like some hightimes shit...but thats fucking amazing what kind of nutes u useing fox farm...i wanna change it tho i have had a lot of luck with about to harvest here soon ill post some pics..but great fucking amazingly wonderful awesome job!


Well-Known Member
What was the wet weight of that shit..looks like u will get prob a oz maybe more...but thats one of the best harvest i have ever seen Smokey i give u mad props!!!! i have honestly never seen weed like friend lives in spain and he sent me some bud once from there...and it was only a gram and it looked like some hightimes shit...but thats fucking amazing what kind of nutes u useing fox farm...i wanna change it tho i have had a lot of luck with about to harvest here soon ill post some pics..but great fucking amazingly wonderful awesome job!
havent checked the wet weight..i just got done chopping another one...this one is pink!! same strain...

im really kicking myself for not cloning all these plants...I think the phenos i cloned arent worth a shit. we'll see at the end of flower.

this was my first grow, so i just let the plant do its thing..

im super proud of these lil buds tho...funkiest shit ive ever seen/had


Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah man...haha i just had my fucking light fall down on two of my plants this morning b.c im starting them off in a trunk and it chopped 2 plants in half so i put the 2 tops of them in germ. blocks hope it will clone...but its only 2 weeks thinking its dead... idk if they will take root either the ones i put in blocks b.c they are only two weeks old it would be fucking aw3esome if they fucking lived and the 2 clone..i would fucking start cloneing them all at 2 weeks haha