K1Ng5p4d3's Cardboard Box Grow (hehe)


Well-Known Member
yeah yeah yeah w/e. its hard for me to get it trhough my head. ever had Bi polar man? hard shit to deal with. so much stuff races in your head and thoughts. gotta slow em down. so trim the lower part and leave about 5-6 thats only an inch grow and ur fine? sorry I am doing my best to understand this.


Well-Known Member
yeah yeah yeah w/e. its hard for me to get it trhough my head. ever had Bi polar man? hard shit to deal with. so much stuff races in your head and thoughts. gotta slow em down. so trim the lower part and leave about 5-6 thats only an inch grow and ur fine? sorry I am doing my best to understand this.
I think there is hope...:-P

Here look at what I found... straight from the Master...

why we prune off the lower 1/3 in SoG



Well-Known Member
Very well demonstrated gypsy, You can clearly see the difference in the way the plant grows.
Thanks TC, but I didn't demonstrate shit.... it's all AL b. Fuct.... HE demonstrated it very well... just wanted to clarify that... :-P

It's official... I am a Fucthead now... he does things a certain way for a reason... it works...:o

The only difference is that I am using hydroton and flooding multiple times a day, where he uses RW Floc and floods once a day...

My way is a bit more productive as I can flood many times and draw fresh air into the rootball with every drain cycle....

his way has about 24 to 48 hours of insurance in case of water pump failure, as the RW holds way more water than the clay pellets....

Never thought i'd say this, but I am in love with ebb/flow....

My lettuce loves it... my sunflowers have gone mad... I may have to kill some of them... one of the fuckers has 10" leaves, but the whole plant is only 8" tall !!!!!!

the watermelon leaves are as big as my hand one week after sprouting...

Fuckin A I love this shit... :hump:


Well-Known Member
Ah good times, its to bad Al B. is gone, he had some great info.
I miss him too, but the info is all there on his threads...

If you read it all, you will find every bit of info displayed in a few different ways... as people would just ask instead of reading....

I have read all 3 threads back to back 3 or 4 times now... and I am always learning something new...

It;s like the GHOST of Al B. Fuct is still around....:clap:

He's even got me convinced I should try RW again....:o and he's been gone for how long now????? talk about the power of knowledge....


Well-Known Member
Fuckers cut into my leg... removed 29 screws... ground off a bunch of bone and shit... cleaned up some of the metalleft in there by the stripped screwes...

All that and here I am, just a few hours later... feeling like absolute horse shit that was eaten and shat again by an Ogre... morphine, dilaudid, percocet... fuck man... how good it is to take a toke of my own shit... FUCK THE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES... though I gotta say that morphine shit works prety good on the pain...

Well homies... the gypsy is still alive.. and although he is not kicking yet.. things ar good and getting better all time...

Peace and love and all that other shit you think about when you have had enough morphine in your system to overdose ten people.... :o


Well-Known Member
Hey Gypsy, glad to here your alright man. It sounds like this was to fix a preexisting problem, so atleast everything will get better from here. Be safe, and feel better man! TC


Well-Known Member
Thanks TC... I am still not sure what's worse, the way I broke my leg or the way they fixed it...

But I still have my foot... for now anyways...:o


Well-Known Member
Wanna see something gross & disturbing???

Click on the red square.... but be careful.... very graphic...

Originally Posted by GypsyBush
here are some of the metal bits they removed from my right leg...


Well-Known Member
Ha, thats funny gypsy!

Ok that note I would also like to say i miss King, he needs to get that new lap top pronto!!

Also those purple buds look so cool right now!!!(ate like 5g of shrooms 2hrs ago)


Well-Known Member
Ok, what the hell is going on...???

one goes off on a mushroom trip... the other ....

WHEre the hell is everybody????


Take a peek at this.... i really like this.... a lot...

Heaths flooded tube vertical.

fuck.... Now I have to hobble around looking for these mofos....
