GOod soil for growing


Active Member
I'm using the miracle grow soil for my plants. anyone suggest a better soil or know a soil mixture that could enhance growth?


Well-Known Member
MG IS FINE! (dont add nutes!) people will be hating here soon, but fox farm is the best soil for weed


Well-Known Member
use the MG Organic Choice. my buddy worked for scotts and communicated with many growers, they all said that organic choice is the best thing to can get from a brick and mortar like HD or lowes.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
MG IS FINE! (dont add nutes!) people will be hating here soon, but fox farm is the best soil for weed
All true! I am no fan of MG, due to my own misuse causing the death of 7 amazing clones:spew:However, it does have its place when used properly:hug: Many say Fox Farm, they may be right! I use Sunshine, an organic growers blend:weed: