12 Days since sprout....whatchya guys think?


Well-Known Member
Here is my baby 12 days from sprout. I'm growing under cfls in miracle grow soil. Just for kicks I have a bannana peel in here to try out this supposed "100% female expectancy". What do you guys think? Growing fast, bushy ass leaves....



Active Member
lol dude take that bloody banana peal out of there. :lol: You may as well add some plums,pears and a cherry on top. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Looks good, I just posted pics of my plant on day 13 in case you wanted to compare, it's in my sig. Good luck with the grow, hopefully we'll be harvesting at the same time.


Well-Known Member
We may be harvesting at the same time, im cutting my veg down to 6 weeks because I'm on cfls at the moment. I'm using some nutrients from botanic or whatever the brand pro grow nutrients is labeled under. My plants seem to reeeeeeally like them even this young! They get this beautiful dark green color in the mornings after there rest, its like christmas every morning for a noob grower like myself. Well educated on the growing but still a noob...


Well-Known Member
Your saying it's small! From bagseed! Everywhere else I look my baby looks big, I'll check yours out though pennywise


Well-Known Member
Isn't growth based on the type of strain you are growing, so u really can't compare based on dates
Actually if your growing lowryders, or an indica then ya, but to me it looks like where both growin a sativa. The growth should be in the same range if lighted and cared for properly.


Well-Known Member
Ya looks like I may be about 3 days behind ya pennywise...so whats your secret how many cfls you giving them (watts) how many times you watering what soil ph that sort of thing? (Attached some pictures at what i believe is 14 days from sprout)

