Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
ive used the tech2-chevy guy myself, but not the others. Why did you get a modus, Net? Thats a pricy scanner for someone not in the business.


New Member
Truth be told, my father is great friends with a Snap-on fellow and the story was they screwed his order up somehow and I benefited off of it. I got it rather cheap ( not dirt cheap) and use it for various friends cars. My brothers use it most of the time. But things like that come in handy if you know how to use them and what to do afterwards!

I am a huge sucker for a great deal though. I'll buy something right away at a great deal even if I know it will leave me dirt broke. It's a bad habit I picked up from my mother. Flea Markets, Thrift Stores and Pawn Shops is where you will find me most of the time. hahah

Eddie McPot

Well-Known Member
Net, I am running a HP media center in a NZXT case as my personal. Running XP, Vista and Linux. I have 3 more regular media centers one for each TV. All dual boot Vista/XP for DVR and ripping. I brought home a old IBM from work to play with today, better than shoveling snow. I'm about to go nuts here at the house, but work was even more boring. Everyone staying the fuck home, a lot of people still without power.

I'm gonna smoke this J I rolled and get busy with the junk ass IBM. I also am trying to buy an old server that is no longer in use. Maybe a good place to keep some clones and seedlings. Stealthy weed server. I will be on later...

Tech, don't have too much fun with my avatar. Hehe, he is banging his head to some Manowar today.


New Member
One for each t.v..... You know you could put Mythbuntu on one of those and hook the t.v's up via s-video/ hdmi or component cables. I ahve 2 t.v's hooked up to my linux machine as well as the lighting system to my living room and bedroom. Its actually pretty cool.
This is an exaple

Net, I am running a HP media center in a NZXT case as my personal. Running XP, Vista and Linux. I have 3 more regular media centers one for each TV. All dual boot Vista/XP for DVR and ripping. I brought home a old IBM from work to play with today, better than shoveling snow. I'm about to go nuts here at the house, but work was even more boring. Everyone staying the fuck home, a lot of people still without power.

I'm gonna smoke this J I rolled and get busy with the junk ass IBM. I also am trying to buy an old server that is no longer in use. Maybe a good place to keep some clones and seedlings. Stealthy weed server. I will be on later...

Tech, don't have too much fun with my avatar. Hehe, he is banging his head to some Manowar today.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys!

I just started getting amber trichs!!! i'd say 5% or less...

How long do I have if trichs are just now turning amber if I want to harvest at 50%...???


Well-Known Member
LOL always bouncing in at the wrong times.. always miss everyone its cool gotta go build another bucket and transplant a seedling..Be back soon.


Well-Known Member
Yea Im contemplating on whether i should risk hooking up the 400 watt or just leave it alone until i can cool tube it.. Like to see what kinda results between 300 wattvs 400watt


Well-Known Member
I'd say 100w-haha jk , just messin bro. made good money today happy man here. I had a 400w hps reflector from htg and it was vented-my tent even had holes in roof for light vent, was pretty cool. Had to sell it. Its ok made a bill on it. it was a little too big for my space. 56"x56"78.5h.


Well-Known Member
Oh sweet angel of mercy with your grace From night to morning, please allow the next blunt i smoke knock me on my ass!


Well-Known Member
Sup misery! Damn the club is dead today for sure..
Hi purp.. Lions Roar (Meeeeow)
Eating some raviolis they are good. Stouffers haha
How's the grow misery.
wonder where chazel has been.
