What stoner has 8 gold medals?


Well-Known Member
lol oh noo way.. bet that they will be testing him next olympics... was the bong filled with pool water?


New Member
This picture is inconclusive at best. It sorta resembles a guy which might look like Mike Phelps. I call bullshit.

idk, lots of articles on the matter..none debunking it either..(that ive seen anyways)

the only thing inconclusive about the picture would be if hes smoking tobacco or not


New Member
I dunno...It resembles him, but it's a bad angle. He comes off more like a dumb jock than a stoner...I dunno.
i live in a hick town where the dumb jocks are stoners aswell..
but you ARE right..it is a funny angle...

i still dont get the "V-RooR" bong though lol


Well-Known Member
i live in a hick town where the dumb jocks are stoners aswell..
but you ARE right..it is a funny angle...

i still dont get the "V-RooR" bong though lol
dude the highschool i went to in the middle of phoenix all the jocks were stoners and all the prep girls smoked weed on the weekends the only people that didn't were the kids who got perfect grades and shit

It is a funny angle but I believe its him.
besides who gives a fuck he won more medals in the olympic games than any other person ever......I'd hit a fuckin bong too fuck all those people that want to not let him compete on 2012

hes just living his life


Well-Known Member
It's him, but I'm sure he'll test clean next time that's needed and just say it wasn't for real or was a prank or something.


Well-Known Member
Oh yes...good man Phelps, it may ruin your career but I think they should just leave him alone...see this wouldn't be any problem if weed was legal....