Baz's 600w HPS Suparoom - AK47 Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Ok lets try again...

First 7 pics the HPS looking slightly bigger in stature, bigger leaves but some freaky leaves (pic 7) on half the plants, kinda like webbed feet ha ha

Next 3 pics the CFL grow, looks to be doing good, even tho its leaves are smaller it looks alot more healthier, no webbed feet :bigjoint:

Last 2 pics the backup seed sprouted 1 week later

here goes Plz plz upload...........
plants are lookin good....

i cam here to see how they were doin and could only find pictures of muppets and shit:lol:


Well-Known Member
plants are lookin good....

i cam here to see how they were doin and could only find pictures of muppets and shit:lol:
Lol soz we kinda went off topic ha ha

At the moment we got probs, the CFL grow is going fine, but the money grow has a few issues..

Both CFL & HPS grows were all repotted to their final pots yesterday

The HPS 9 are looking like palm trees or umberellas, all that money spent and a 95p bucket nearly fuked the lot up!

The bucket was never cleaned after buying it and it seems it had a small amount of oil or some shit like that in it so a few of the plants have had a small dose of it whilst watering, im guessing they are in some kinda shock, but they have perked back up a little since

The HPS grow seems alot more compact than the CFL grow, hard to see through the leafs to see the nodes, but dont help with the palmtree shit

Any sujestions?


Well-Known Member
Lol soz we kinda went off topic ha ha

At the moment we got probs, the CFL grow is going fine, but the money grow has a few issues..

Both CFL & HPS grows were all repotted to their final pots yesterday

The HPS 9 are looking like palm trees or umberellas, all that money spent and a 95p bucket nearly fuked the lot up!

The bucket was never cleaned after buying it and it seems it had a small amount of oil or some shit like that in it so a few of the plants have had a small dose of it whilst watering, im guessing they are in some kinda shock, but they have perked back up a little since

The HPS grow seems alot more compact than the CFL grow, hard to see through the leafs to see the nodes, but dont help with the palmtree shit

Any sujestions?
not sure what you mean by palm tree shit??? and whats this bucket you bought???? did I miss somthing in the thread


Well-Known Member
Ok because its a attick grow, we bought a bucket to use as a resevoir to take water out in a jug to water em all on watering day, but it was never washed out so had a small amount of polutant in it prob left by some machine whilst being made

My CFL plants are all pointing outwards, but the HPS ones are all droopy

Brb i will go take some pics..


Well-Known Member
bury them deeper to support them better .. be gentle... you should have started them all under cfls then switched them to the big dog lights???


Well-Known Member
Ok heres the pics

Im sure you can tell the difference between the HPS n CFL pics..

Wink the reason i couldn't do CFL veg and HPS flower is, both these grows are at diferent locations, thats why i don't post pics too often, just got back from the HPS grow and found out its not intirely the buckets fault, as these were really overwatered after the repot, im talking 350 mils each!

Just dipped my finger in the soil to check the moisture and it was piss wet through after 1 day! (i did not do this)

I love my crapy cammera 4 pics uploaded in 30 seconds lol



Well-Known Member
No not yet bro, they will only be 3 week old tomorrow, i think within the next two week i should


Well-Known Member
Ok looks like i have got 7 females out of the HPS 9, and 1 of the CFL grow is male, not sure on the others sex as its a week behind the rest.

What im wanting to know is, how long can the males stay in the room before they become a risk to the girls, also i have a shed i could grow all the males in, and only enter to water, what are the chances of me polinating my girls?


Well-Known Member
dont take any chances all my girls have some seeds now because i didnt pull those bananas on time. i got them the first day i noticed and still got pollen probs:(


Well-Known Member
They got tiny balls, only been there 2 days, some are that small i can't determin 100% so i don't wanna throw em untill im 100%, i should be ok for another day or so right?