Who Has or Has Not Smoked Hash?????

Who has or has not smoked hash.

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Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
To me hash has a thick sweet taste and smell. Think of it as concentrated bud.

out. :blsmoke:
It can be called resin before it is pressed I believe. Correct me if I am wrong. I've seen it called pollen also. Europe I think?. Ya, nice to breath out your nose and get a really good smell of it. Then comes the head rush!!!

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
I would'nt bother with the mother trimmings. But the hermi yes. Or should say maybe. Do you have a microscope to look at it with? A pocket one maybe? I would look at it to see if I though it had enough trics on it to bother with or not. Check out this group if you are thinking about making some:https://www.rollitup.org/groups/hash-factory.html. Good place to start with any questions.

right on man thanks for the help... i will check out the link....i plan on doing it tonight or tomorrow

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
hey hash lover do you know if i need to dry out my cuttings before i use them to make hash or can i just use fresh cuttings ......and if i need to dry them out whats a good method


Active Member
when i first got in to cannabis, all i smoked was hash- ots not as strong, but u get more for ur money.

ow be careful, u get hot rocks fall on your cloths and burn them


New Member
It can be called resin before it is pressed I believe. Correct me if I am wrong. I've seen it called pollen also. Europe I think?. Ya, nice to breath out your nose and get a really good smell of it. Then comes the head rush!!!

Yah, but I think he was referring to leftover bowl resin. The first weed product I ever smoked was pressed pollen we called it keef not hash. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
over here hash is 10 times more common than weed. Goes dirt cheap aswell. about 500 for nine ounces. I know people who have never smoked weed.


Active Member
i smoke hash often but its always black and doesnt look like the best quality shit. This is one of the reasons i wanna start growing to make my own. Plus in montreal its more expensive than weed.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2020065]we need more hash threads,[/quote]
That's kinda what we are trying to do. And is why I started these two threads. Trying to get the info more in one place so it is easier to find. Kinda like one stop shopping for all your hash needs. Thanks to Thunderlips for starting the social group "The Hash Factory". https://www.rollitup.org/groups/hash-factory.html

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
i smoke hash often but its always black and doesnt look like the best quality shit. This is one of the reasons i wanna start growing to make my own. Plus in montreal its more expensive than weed.
Just watch out for black hash that taste a little like soap. It's probably got Opium in it. I read something about that a while ago.


New Member
Last time I smoked has was about 11 yrs ago.. It was that black sticky kind.. Got me fucking wasted.And no, it wasnt heroin lol. I dont use and drugs besides THC lol.