Dwc Grow Club


New Member
Superbowl? is that today? haha. << Stupid question I guess. I don't follow sports much. I do watch the Spurs play though! All the time!

Well, breaks over. I still have some things to pack and move. Thank god big things are done already. Be back later guys!


Well-Known Member
Hey Club!!! awww.... i missed, I'm on 421 :(

Glad to things are working out net!! (given everything)... I'm sure this all a really good thing, 2 week delay on a grow aint nothing, it'll be worth it I'm sure... cant wait to see that Aurora Berry grow up

Also posted up on my journal, did the flush yesterday and all that, heres a pic to please

Superbowl?? yeah I might flip that on LOL... yeah of course I will, though I'm more of a soccer guy...


Well-Known Member
Glad things are working out Net.

Yay, superbowl. We're BBQing.

I wanted the Colts to make it, but sadly they lost
to the damn Steelers. Effin Sprowles...

Oh well, now since the Colts are out, I have to
go for Steelers.

have fun today everyone!!!

if you watch football....



Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your bad stiuation, Net, but glad its working out for you. You can come grow in my shed,lol.
Leggo looking killer bro should smoke up nice.
not watching superbowl-gay,jk. not into football-gonna start tomato's in dwc tonight, will get pics for yall. Have a great sunday everyone check back later.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys do you guys follow the foxfarm nutrient guide thats on their website to the tee? So for every gallon of water you have in your rubbermaid you put a tablespoon of grow big/big bloom. It just seems like alot to me so I have gone half strength. but their guide also says to use grow big and big bloom throughout the grow .... That cant be right .. Looking for some suggestions on what you guys did with foxfarm products


Well-Known Member
any one around still i got my first grow up and ranning today check it out and leave me comments about it thank you much all any help is cool


Well-Known Member
hey pothead-caught your comment before about keif and hash. Hash is made from leaf cuttings. keif is screened trichs collected after cureing bud, I have a keif box that I keep my good weed in, it has a screen on top and mirror on bottom to catch keif that falls off bud. No waste.

theelite- if seedling or cutting it's 1/4 strength, first 2 weeks, 1/2 2nd 2 weeks, so it doesnt go as fast as you would think, I had not used the big bloom untill week before flowering, I used adv. nut. micro, for micro nutes, and grow big, but looking at fox's feeding schedule it does say to use during entire grow.

Draconic-looking really good, like the light pulley set up, nice.I see someone has done their research! good for you!!!


New Member
hey guys. Tiring day to say the least. A lot moved out! The rest I can haul off in the car! Now to chop the plant. Later on tonight! Screw the landlord. I'm almost out! The next grow will happen, just a little postponed. I will find a way!

I have an air mattress to sleep on and it's rather cozy. haha I figured i'd move earlier than a wk since I already have a place to go and my stuff in storage. Laptop and dwc stuff. It feels lonely hahaha. Well i'll be here surfing the web and smoking a bit!


Well-Known Member
That 'Nevermind' was for the superbowl LOL. Net and I must have been going at it at the same time...

Sounds like you need to treat yourself to some
Good green net!!


Well-Known Member
Cards suck haha wanted to see them win so i could get my cuz back for rubbing in the pats loss last year oh well.. My cuz is gay anyway.. who would actually devote a whole room in there house to a damn football team and not a grow?????!


New Member
Indeed sweetie! I have the indy dry enough to smoke and it is super!! I'm here with some Full Throttle Mocha Coffee and banana chips!!! Great stuff! The it feels weird with nothing in here. I'm really high. Great stuff!!! I'm gonna chop in a few hours.


Well-Known Member
Hey net wish i could come over And smoke ur bud haha. Sounds like everything is cool tho im happy for ya! So ill be over in a lil to smoke the bud either way!


Well-Known Member
Net, if ive seen anything here, I 've seen a strong person that can do anything and everything, this is just one of those bumps in the rocky road of life. hang in there-you'll pull through! Best of dwc luck to you girl!


Well-Known Member

Go Steelers!!!!



ha...they almost lost, luckily they pulled it together in the
last 2 minutes....

that was close.

hi everyone...if anyone's on right now. lol.