Have I Been Beat...your Vote Counts...

32 Days Ago I Ordered Over 100.00 Worth Of T-shirts Ect...from Amsterdam Seed. They Have Yet To Arrive, Today I Was Told That Since There Are So Many Crooks Out There That My Order Would Not Be Replaced, And Also That The Aut. May Have Got Them. I Have Not Been Contacted Or Got A Letter From Anyone. Point At Hand... They Want Me To Put Cash In A Birthday Card And Send It. When They Were Sure Proud To Take My Credit Card For The Order. I Am Not Calling Anyone A Crook.. Just Would Like To Hear Your Thoughts. I Know For Sure That Other Companies Stand Behind What They Say. Right Here On Rollitup Is Says Money Back Uner The Add. Your Vote Counts... One More Thing... They Say They Emailed Me When The Order Was Sent. I Never Saw It, But She Is Suppose To Send Me Another Ccopy... So Ill Let Ya Know Thanks


Well-Known Member
that's weird, I thought they were pretty reputable. Anyways yeah it looks like you've been duped. You can try and tell your credit card company that you never received the goods, and they will most likely refund the money.


Well-Known Member
They have good seeds but do not honor there gaurentee.. i know, they screwed me too. So they shouldn't say it.


Just some idiot
they screwed me, go elsewhere, I never got my order they got my money and they didn't answer my emails...IMHO they are not a good seed bank
I Thought So Tooo... Since It Says Money Back Right Here On Hte Add. Its Not Like I Have'nt Been In Touch With Them. I Made Two Orders The Same Day, The Others Were Here In Nine Days. I Contacted Amsterdam Like At Day 14 The Bb And Bg From The Other Company Are Already On The Grow. Peace


Well-Known Member
you want to get thier panties in a bunch?

send them a estute letter telling them if they do not refund your money immidiatly you will report them to the theft and fraud department of your credit card company, as well as the BBB (better Business Beuro) as well, and the internet fraund department of the FBI which you can do on thier website.

obviously make sure you are not growing at the time to do this,:hump:

they will send you your money back before you can say Cannabis Sativa:mrgreen:

also make sure you put stuff in there like, "Awaiting your immidiate response" and "we require you immidaite positive response", also if you can someway call them and get the email address of one of thier higher ups and copy him on your email.

also throw in that there are several people in the online community that are watching this develop closey, and are willing to begin a word of mouth internet boycot that is likely to get around as you are not the only one who has had a negative expiriance with thier service.


beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Contact them at 4253-349 W. Georgia St., Vancouver, BC V6B 3Z7, Canada (catalog $5); phone, (604) 728-5617; Website, theamsterdam.com. To stay at their bed & breakfast, call (604) 783-9567 for reservations.

Not sure any of that works..but this is the info given in the blowjob "top rating" High Times gave the company.

Hey..it's High times..what do you expect? They're the used car salesmen of the Cannabis world...

If they are in Vancouver...um..is anyone else here also from Vancouver and wanna make a little VISIT to **represent** a few folks here on RIU?

Cousin Rollo, maybe?

Now THAT would be fun/funny/a classic. Get right in their FACE....

scheisters oughta be hung up by their privates...


Well-Known Member
Hey..it's High times..what do you expect? They're the used car salesmen of the Cannabis world...
They aren't all that bad. I work in a related industry so we (mostly my boss) get invites to High Times parties which are pretty cool. They rent out bed and breakfasts, or conference rooms and invite business owners there to sample Cannabis Cup winners. Its pretty funny seeing business owners become kids in a candy shop when the goodies start getting passed out.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
I guess that's cool if that's where yer at in life...but i remember a day when HT was a decent rag that wasn't full of kiddie ads for fake pot. This was before they were advertising heavily for the ephedrine pushers...and back in the day (late 70's) when HT covered all drugs...not just weed. (and pre PHOTOSHOP and FLOURESCENT BUDS!)

I mean..when was the last time you grew a bud that was dayglo pink and blue? LOL.


Well-Known Member
I guess that's cool if that's where yer at in life...but i remember a day when HT was a decent rag that wasn't full of kiddie ads for fake pot. This was before they were advertising heavily for the ephedrine pushers...and back in the day (late 70's) when HT covered all drugs...not just weed. (and pre PHOTOSHOP and FLOURESCENT BUDS!)

I mean..when was the last time you grew a bud that was dayglo pink and blue? LOL.
Very very true, lol. I see where you are coming from definitely. I hate all the ads in High Times too (except the 2 I made :) ), I just felt obliged to stick up for them a bit since they have extended their generosity to me in the past. Its all about advertising though, thats the whole reason for their business owner parties....more ad revenue for them.
Very very true, lol. I see where you are coming from definitely. I hate all the ads in High Times too (except the 2 I made :) ), I just felt obliged to stick up for them a bit since they have extended their generosity to me in the past. Its all about advertising though, thats the whole reason for their business owner parties....more ad revenue for them.
I placed another order with sensible seed, anyone had any dealings with em. Told them what had happened at amsterdam....they say they want my bussiness and everyone elses. Guess we'll see...who runs rollitup... like who do you see to get info other than what is posted?


Well-Known Member
I placed another order with sensible seed, anyone had any dealings with em. Told them what had happened at amsterdam....they say they want my bussiness and everyone elses. Guess we'll see...who runs rollitup... like who do you see to get info other than what is posted?
I think that forums are a great place to learn / get info on seed companies. Word of mouth is the only honest opinion you are going to get these days. Hell, even that is hard to come by, as some unscrupulous companies now are hiring stealth marketers to go on forums and give glowing reviews of their employers products.

I work for a digital scale company, and we are dealing with this issue right now. There is a fake website put up by one of our competitors that pretends to be a review site of digital scales, but is really funded by MyWeigh / Jenning scales. Its pretty frustrating to say the lease.


Well-Known Member
I will never buy another H.T.mag or any other thanks to ROLLITUP.ORG
All they want is to sell you things other people tell them to tell you to buy...
Loaded with every thing we talked about last week, I think they have spys here learning and stealing idea's for there mag's. MOGIE posted a thread about shipping clones last month, This month I seen in a mag at the store an article about the same sh*t.