are they looking healthy


Active Member
they are about 4 day old they shot up pretty good im useing miracle grow soil and 3 of those small cfls that are in the picture ive been keeping them about 4 inches from the plants and the plants are starting to slow down there growth now how much water should i be giving them i usually just water when soil is dry about ever 4-7 hours with just regular foset water is that ok anything wrong how long before i can start flowering



New Member
first of all , if your using water from the sink, let it sit 24 hours to get rid of the chlorine....chlorine is not good for your babies....move the cfls about 2 inches from the tops.....this will prevent stretching..... lay off with the water man....way to much....only water once every 1 or 2 days when the top of the soil is crusty or stick your finger about a half inch down , if its moist....dont water....follow these simple steps for now and watch em grow....they look ok besides maybe starting to stretch a bit.....good luck...


New Member
you can start flowering anytime you really depends on your height restrictions because some plants can double in height during flower......I like to get mine at least 20 inches or more before flowering....the longer you veg , the better....


Well-Known Member
well at the rate your gowing with streching about 3 weeks, but if you move the light within 2-3 inches 2 months.


Active Member
I wouldn't flower seeds until they were mature. Which is indicated by uneven nodes on the stem.

Do this. When the roots have hit the bottom of your pots, wait a couple days and pot into a larger pot. Leave that one until the roots have started filling the pot. Then flower once your roots are established. Or you can pot up again. By the time your roots have finished filling your last pot they should be mature and ready to flower.


New Member
i moved the light 3 inches away, do i need to increase the lighting as they get taller
most definately....the more, the sells 65 watters for 19 bucks a peice...throw a few in there ...really, add as many as you can....i had a total of 621 watts with mine....


New Member
Id move the light at least an inch closer or their gonna stretch bad man causing very weak stems..... another week and they will flop over ....


Active Member
what is the best nutrients and stuff to add and when should i start adding it so that the weed will be really good any other things to do to make really good smoke


New Member
if your using MG soil you dont need to add'll actually do your plants more harm then will over nute are useing the self feed stuff right???...if so, no need to add anything for about 2 1/2 months or so....Id suggest fox farms big bloom....also when you flower, start giving them 2 tlbs. of mollasess per gallon of water every time you water....this will give you fatter can buy mollasess at your local grocery store.....