How should my seeds look after 5 days?


Active Member
I have a bubbleponics system but i am not using a water pump.. i think i might have been over-watering the seeds.. they are in rockwool cubes.. How should they look after 5 days and how would i know if ive over-watered them?


Well-Known Member
Hey. did the seeds pop and have you got the 2 false leaves out of the shells? If so you are doing fine. It's hard to overwater them at this stage, and I hear rockwool is hard to keep wet. If you have pics I can help you out more as well.


Active Member
Hey. did the seeds pop and have you got the 2 false leaves out of the shells? If so you are doing fine. It's hard to overwater them at this stage, and I hear rockwool is hard to keep wet. If you have pics I can help you out more as well.
I opened up the rockwool and the seeds are cracked and the white sprout is out about a centimeter in a couple of them.. i didnt check them all.. but i usually soak the rockwool and it stays wet for a long time.. but ive only watered it like 6 or 7 times in the past 5 days because its usually soaked when i look at it.. maybe i havent been watering it enough.. but when i do water them i usally soak the rockwool.. and i dont have the lights turned on and only planned on turning them on when i saw the plant coming out of the rockwool a little.. should i be turning the lights on sooner?.. I wouldve thought the sprouts would be longer by now..

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
youll need the pump when they sprout.. try germing in a wet paper towel until they sprout. ive always had success this way.. i get a 90 percent germ with mid seeds and 100 with any decent genetics. the seedlings in my fake pc sprouted in 4 days


Well-Known Member
It's impossible to overwater seeds. Be patient. It may take up to 7 days for them to sprout.


Active Member
It's impossible to overwater seeds. Be patient. It may take up to 7 days for them to sprout.
cool.. so if i really wanted to i could just drench the rockwool cubes in water every 5 hours or so and keep them soaked and they wouldnt be getting overwatered?


Well-Known Member
youll need the pump when they sprout.. try germing in a wet paper towel until they sprout. ive always had success this way.. i get a 90 percent germ with mid seeds and 100 with any decent genetics. the seedlings in my fake pc sprouted in 4 days <<<

fake pc ? , liek as in electronic pc, u use one to sprout ur seeds ?

i heard of putting them on top of a pc tower or screen but daymmmmmmm :-P


Active Member
I put them in paper towel and then in a zip lock and then into a empty dvd case with a drop of superthrive