do seeds have better yield than clone

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New Member
at what age do u fim and how do u fim a veging plant?i always thought that ur supposed to do that to a bud.
cuz i have some seedlings right now 3 weeks old and might want to try this..


Well-Known Member
at what age do u fim and how do u fim a veging plant?i always thought that ur supposed to do that to a bud.
cuz i have some seedlings right now 3 weeks old and might want to try this..
I have a picture pack and 134 page thread about it with about 60,000 views.
You can get the hd picture pack which shows all fimming pics,its more about what stage your plant is at than age.
Heres the link to the picture pack thread,download link is in my first post.

I am very good at getting fast growth from seedlings without killing them.
I have noticed that other people do seem to have to wait an age for their seedlings to kick off.
This is probably as they are to afraid of burning them,which is a serious concern,you have to be real careful.
Heres a link to my airbasket and fimming thread.
Sorry i had to delete the pics from that thread as photobucket was unsafe.
Most of what you need to know is in the picture pack info is in the thread.


Well-Known Member
LOL this is fqn hilarious!! I have a two 22" monitor setup for my computer at home, and this thread was strange, b/c I was looking to see the rep the two original guys had, b/c i feel it makes a difference in experience. and I had to stretch this out almost all the way across both screens, I wondered why until I came up on those two HUGE ASS pictures.. lol i stretched them a bit and now have a new background on my pc!! :shock: gr8 pics!!


Well-Known Member
wow I'm really glad this thread was started, great info in here. thank you natmoon for going out of the way to teach these people (and me) something new.


Well-Known Member
natmoon I will agree that drip system water is better but a little bit of photo trickery first your "best plant" is in the centre of the room in a pot bigger than the rest of course that plant will be the best one now if you were to treat a clone the same way you would get the same results its just the idea of skipping the veg stage and the better stabilty that to me makes clones the better you can smack a clone around and she'll do fine try that with a seedling see what happens a clone is just a copy no better no worse ut skipping that veg stage peace


Well-Known Member
natmoon I will agree that drip system water is better but a little bit of photo trickery first your "best plant" is in the centre of the room in a pot bigger than the rest of course that plant will be the best one now if you were to treat a clone the same way you would get the same results its just the idea of skipping the veg stage and the better stabilty that to me makes clones the better you can smack a clone around and she'll do fine try that with a seedling see what happens a clone is just a copy no better no worse ut skipping that veg stage peace
Theres no photo trickery you .........


Well-Known Member
im sorry if being informative showing the storey behind both side and laying a SMACKDOWN on the fact that clones are better. being proven wrong does suck thow especially time and time again enjoy peace I'll be the bigger man and just walk away with out going to the low road of insults and childish petty crap enough.

Baba Booey! Baba Booey! Howard Stern's penis! Baba Booey! Baba Booey! enjoy


Well-Known Member
Sorry if forgot that i cant even say "shove a clone." being English and all:dunce:
Others can swear,cuss,moan and whine and even threaten to kill people it would seem,but not me.
I forgot that some mods "hate" and pretend love,maybe they are worried about the price of pot being the same as gold:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
im sorry if being informative showing the storey behind both side and laying a SMACKDOWN on the fact that clones are better. being proven wrong does suck thow especially time and time again enjoy peace I'll be the bigger man and just walk away with out going to the low road of insults and childish petty crap enough.

Baba Booey! Baba Booey! Howard Stern's penis! Baba Booey! Baba Booey! enjoy
I am an ancient grower and your just another bottom kisser:lol:
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