Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
hey sam. do u always order fem seeds? do they work? im thinking of ordering some but been hearing some negative feedback.


Well-Known Member
oh and i stole some VOODOO JUICE from my local headshop, shit was like 90 bucks but i got it for free, 1 liter accidentally slipped into my pants..

Ive always wanted to get this stuff =]


Well-Known Member
hey sam. do u always order fem seeds? do they work? im thinking of ordering some but been hearing some negative feedback.
This is my first time ordering fem seeds, but ive got some left ove fem seeds from some friends and they never let me down.

I beleive all seeds wanna be female you just have sit nec\xt to them for a while and yell at them. Say god damn it if your dont wanna show me some boobs i will cut your fucking dick off if you decided to be a male, scares the shit outa the plant so they have no choice but to be female


Well-Known Member
SA-your insane dude! Gonna stink up the crib with all those strains.

How2ash- I do believe stress relates to hermies, and the 3rd-4th week stress thing, also heard temps and N play a huge roll, in those weeks. What neg. have you heard about fem seeds?


Well-Known Member
hey tech. i just heard well read that since feminized seeds are produced by hermie seeds. they are more likely to hermie if ANY stress occurs. more so than just regular seeds. a lot of people have even claimed that all of their feminized seeds hermied and i dont wanna risk that chance for so much more money. but having guaranteed females would be awesome. im still biased tho.


Well-Known Member
I think what they do is, since a hermie is a stressed female plant, the pollen is taken and saved to pollinate a true female to produce female seeds, less chance of hermie that way. A seed from a hermie is most of the time hermie. There is a thread on here-Plant dna test girl or boy??? It questions when plants are sexed and all that, good reading. I think that is the problem, when is sex determined? When seed is made, after germed, when flowering starts? I dont think even scientists know. Imagine if a test can be done to a seed to determine sex, if it goes hermie or male its your fault at that point.


Well-Known Member
i've heard the opposite. MORE CHANCE OF HERMIE. many people say that regular seeds dont tend to hermie unless put under a lot of stress but feminized seeds hermie under the slightest stress conditions. i personally want to believe that seeds are determined during growth. but that only wishful thinking bcuz i would love to control the outcome of whether i have a male or female.

i think that people often reject feminized seeds because they are so expensive not to be GUARANTEED females. most people would rather just buy the regualar pack and risk getting males and then cloning what females they do get. it is less expensive. i just want to hear some feedback on someone who has a 100% success rate with feminized seeds because i wanna grow 10 females. not just waste my time and nutes to see some sacks form on my beautiful plant. but hey, i guess if males are good for something.


Well-Known Member
Wazzup toke. Was just getting ready to check ur grow out man.
Whats up clubber's. How's everything going.
LOL I think reading thru this thread would prolly give me nightmares.
Respects to the man thats able to read 170 pages.


New Member
Hey tech!! Everything here is going ok! Still a bit hectic but going well! How are things over there?

Hey guys -Net-riu was down for a while, I was on at lunch then nothing, just tried again now. Hows it going?
I don't know them personally no. I only see them there all the times that I have been there. I know he has several daughters. I never really talk to them. My brother does though. Not a lot I think....

lmao you know his daughter??

Steven the owner, his daughter?

lol that lil girl likes me!


Well-Known Member
hello guys. im a woMAN, but thanx 4 da respect. dont really have much to do except learn as much as i can. and this thread is fucking hilarious. but im on page 294 now. should be caught up soon. i just figured i shoud read instead of asking the same questions again.