endless options


Well-Known Member
Millions and millions of choices had brought you here today, reading this.
That one time when you where late or that one time you didn’t go out to eat, but stood at home and made dinner. Each of yourchoices, even the smallest choice has placed you here at this very moment. Had you made just one single choice differently you would have been on a whole new path with a million of other choices that would have led you to a million more.

You could keep surfing the net, you could reply, you could run out of the house naked yelling the sky is falling at this very moment. Anything you decide will led you to a million other choices.
Even the act of doing nothing, is making a choice….. and the cycle continues.


Well-Known Member
Fuck...I wannna get high soo fucking bad and I have bud in my room...but fuck I'm gonna try and sell it to my friend so I can buy something better. It's hard not to smoke it up:wall:


Well-Known Member
Smoke it brother......its the only way lol
But trainwreck...so worth it...lol its like chronic with some ash in it(made a high mistake) or trainwreck. Fuck I might just smoke this and buy trainwreck anyway:bigjoint: mmm no I'd rather sell it ash kinda ruins the flavor luckily my friend will smoke almost anything.


Well-Known Member
Millions and millions of choices had brought you here today, reading this.
That one time when you where late or that one time you didn’t go out to eat, but stood at home and made dinner. Each of yourchoices, even the smallest choice has placed you here at this very moment. Had you made just one single choice differently you would have been on a whole new path with a million of other choices that would have led you to a million more.

You could keep surfing the net, you could reply, you could run out of the house naked yelling the sky is falling at this very moment. Anything you decide will led you to a million other choices.
Even the act of doing nothing, is making a choice….. and the cycle continues.
Good thread dude, I think about this shit all the time. How the littlest shit you do in in life effects your whole life.
My favorite two words are "What If"


Well-Known Member
Alittle deeper: Your mother had made millions and millions of choices and at the same time your father was making his own plethora of choices. After billions of little choices these two people ended up at the same moment in time. Had your father missed his bus ride, had she not been running late or had made other plans for that day with a guy she had dated. The odds of these two future lovers to end up meeting at that very moment,, you reading this now, can't be based off of any arithmetic, simply because there is no order, only endless choices.
Destiny isn't a path of a pre future, but an outlook on past choices.
Just the time it took me write this, I have not altered my own future, I made a choice into the future.

hahaha As you can see the years of drugs haven't influenced me at all.
