Im thinking about joing the Military


Well-Known Member
Puff everyone is right about the reserves, you will still get deployed! No if's, and's or but's about it! You will go!!

If you really are thinking of enlisting, I would recommend the Coast Guard, Airforce or Navy. Not Army. You can go further with the others.

Think it through, once you sign it is done. Really think this through. Also, go into it KNOWING you will be deployed.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Reasons i wouldnt get deployed:

I would chose a profession that the desert doesnt require... I.E working on marine diesels. My close friend went into the reserves for this and he's not getting deployed.... Also he said everyone in he squad wants to get deployed but they wont send them out. Idk why.

Honestly the military is the last option for me. I have plenty of years left to still make something of myself, but really i need something to motivate me. I guess ill be like everyone else and be motivated by money.

Ill let you all know if i join...Maybe ill talk to a recruiter, see what he says.

Thanks for the advice everyone ;-) +rep when i get the chance


New Member
Reasons i wouldnt get deployed:

I would chose a profession that the desert doesnt require... I.E working on marine diesels. My close friend went into the reserves for this and he's not getting deployed.... Also he said everyone in he squad wants to get deployed but they wont send them out. Idk why.

Honestly the military is the last option for me. I have plenty of years left to still make something of myself, but really i need something to motivate me. I guess ill be like everyone else and be motivated by money.

Ill let you all know if i join...Maybe ill talk to a recruiter, see what he says.

Thanks for the advice everyone ;-) +rep when i get the chance
recruiters are the biggest liars in the world puff...they told me I probably would never leave the US, but within 48 hours of getting my orders after basic, it was "good morning vietnam".


Well-Known Member
Have you been told you could join? Don't lie about your medical history because when you get hurt and they find out you lied to get in you get no benifits. I hate to say it but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be eligible to join with your head injuries.


Well-Known Member
Ive thought about that, but i feel my body is more than capable. Only thing wrong with my head is my sinus issues and the scars (which arent visible because of my hair)

But you do have a good point.


Well-Known Member
Ive thought about that, but i feel my body is more than capable. Only thing wrong with my head is my sinus issues and the scars (which arent visible because of my hair)

But you do have a good point.

dude, they shave your head before they give you a bed.

you really should do some research on this first. like maybe study for it for the next 3 or 4 years. then decide. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
My friend was banned because we were in a car wreck. and he suffered a concussion. Dude, actually cried at the scene of the accident. But that was the marines. The NG may be different.


Well-Known Member
yeah the marines is the most difficult to get into... And go figure they let women join, yet someone who has a few scars isnt as capable as a woman (rolls eyes)


Well-Known Member
Man up!!, join the the Corps and prove something to yourself and everyone else. You can go clean for years and make something out of yourself. You dont have to be a grunt, but every Marine is a rifleman. Go big or stay home BRO!! Take the easy way out now and you'll do that for life! Dont be scured!

Think about it got what it takes or not? Hats off to all our men and women in uniform but you know where the though guys are. Go big or stay home


Well-Known Member
Its not so much "what it takes", its what they take. They take away my freedom to do what ever i want. they begin to think for you basically. i dont like that, so i guess thats why its a last resort to a sucessful life.

But I do thank anyone who fights for this country. If it wasnt for them I would be doing it.


Well-Known Member
I say Fuck that shit. I'd rather be putting someone's roof on for $20/hr for the rest of my working career, than being told what to do, when to do, & where to do.

Be all you can be....That's a crock of shit. I be all I can be when I'm smoking my bong.

The service is bunch of shit. I'd probably be dishonorably discharged within the first 10 minutes by punching the drill sergeant in the face. Nobody ever talks that way to my face without being hit.

I never think about that shit. I like my life.
I have a good job, close friends, and fresh bud to smoke. What more do I need?


Well-Known Member
recruiters are the biggest liars in the world puff...they told me I probably would never leave the US, but within 48 hours of getting my orders after basic, it was "good morning vietnam".
Puff read this statement like 20 times before you go to a recruiter. DON'T BELIEVE A WORD THEY SAY. They will tell you whatever you want to hear to get you to sign. Do your research. I cannot say that enough, do your research.

As far as passing a physical....You will stay 2 to 3 days in a hotel while they put you through every test known to mankind. My husband didn't qualify for a lot of jobs because he had lasik eye surgery...Another important thing is the want to score as high as possible.

There are a lot of things to consider. You want to pick a MOS that will give you the maximum bonus, but, you want to make sure it is a job you can do in the civilian world when you get out. Security clearances are the best, it takes a civilian 2+ years to get some levels of clearance. In the military you are able to get these clearances quickly if you choose the right MOS.

I think you can see there is a lot to think about. My best advice to you is to do your research and when you think you have done enough, go back and do it again.


Well-Known Member
Oh ive been doing research for a while now... almost a year

I looked up on eHow about going to bootcamp and what you do to pass a physical. Like how your in your boxers waving your arms around in circles etc... blah blah

Alot of what going on in the military i dont like, but i can accept it if i have to. Def a last resort like a said


Well-Known Member
recruiters are the biggest liars in the world puff...they told me I probably would never leave the US, but within 48 hours of getting my orders after basic, it was "good morning vietnam".
the navy recruiter told my buddy he could bring his fishing poles on the boat with him. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately that's how most people see it these days and it's a shame. I wish there were more men like my father who joined to serve and protect his country, and not as a last resort. But whatever works for you man... good luck.
Well considering our govt was just ran by the worst president EVER, I dont trust the Govt that much.

They tested LSD on soldiers

The CIA had sold cocaine to Rick Ross in the 80's...ALOT of it...only to fund a govt in a land far far away.

No offense but your dad was much more proud of his country because they were better times. Times of a prosperous nation, when bottled water didnt cost 4 dollars because its from the fiji islands. When a man loved his wife and his wife loved him back. A time before Many Many pointless wars one of which was ended in 1945 by a device that destroyed the lives of millions.

Its like Katt williams said "The govt is all pimps 'cause pimps say sh*t to you and don't explain it." Bottomline the govt only see's the normal person as a statistic, or a paycheck they can tax.

But on the other hand this is the greatest country in the world right? ...yeah if your wealthy :finger:


Well-Known Member
No offense but your dad was much more proud of his country because they were better times. Times of a prosperous nation, when bottled water didnt cost 4 dollars because its from the fiji islands. When a man loved his wife and his wife loved him back. A time before Many Many pointless wars one of which was ended in 1945 by a device that destroyed the lives of millions.
You watch too much T.V.

The government was just as corrupt back then as it is now, if not more.

People are the same now as they were then. Their's still racism, their's still people who think women shouldn't be in the workforce.

The only thing that's different with society today compared to back then is the shit we buy at the store.


Well-Known Member
i was in australian army i got out so i could see my first child born i would recomend it to every 1 best time of your life