gettin' my weed on the cruise ship


Active Member
high everybody, I'm new to this forum but was really wanting to know how to get my shit on the ship. Is security very bad these days? I'm headed to alaska on a cruise and I definetly don't want to leave my weed at home. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
always possibility of double vacuumm sealing it unless planning on consuming some while watchin those beautiful icebergs
they have them little glass jars for like a gram or two you could always use a couple of them
Getting it on should not be a problem but DON'T smoke in your room. A friend did and two official looking guys showed up and asked if he was smoking cigarettes. Silent alarm or something. He said he took a dump and lit a match to cover the smell. They bought that.
Vacuum seal it. Hide it inside your deoderant in your shaving kit or whatever. Unscrew the deoderant, twist out the stuff, put the vacuum sealed bag in the bottom, put everything back together. Holds up to 1/4 or more, less deoderant more room for weed. Never fly anywhere without. Always works.
Vacuum seal it. Hide it inside your deoderant in your shaving kit or whatever. Unscrew the deoderant, twist out the stuff, put the vacuum sealed bag in the bottom, put everything back together. Holds up to 1/4 or more, less deoderant more room for weed. Never fly anywhere without. Always works.

Yeah i always was too scarred so i just broke up about 5 bowls and rolled it up good in plastic wrap and put it in my toothpaste container. i will say the deoderent sounds a little better of a plan lol
Vacuum seal it. Hide it inside your deoderant in your shaving kit or whatever. Unscrew the deoderant, twist out the stuff, put the vacuum sealed bag in the bottom, put everything back together. Holds up to 1/4 or more, less deoderant more room for weed. Never fly anywhere without. Always works.

Good Idea..

When I used to fly on a reg. I would stuff it under my nuts. One time i hid some in a rolled up sock, and they kept my luggage for a week and a half, they said it was lost, but i think they were searching for da herb. They never found it :bigjoint:.
i guess what i`m really worried about is the dog`s finding it before i find a place to smoke it.thanks for all teh help so far.
dog? they usually dont have k-9s unless they make a big deal about it...and as long as you dont make it a big deal AKA fly under radar dont make the scanners see big ass lumps they wont call the dogs on ya
I've got an idea if ya don't mind a little pain ;)

Seriously the best way. I'd do it cause I'm uncomfortable with it not on me, until I sit down that is...or try to walk around...I think it would be more awkward feeling than painful though.
My experience with it was not bad. I rolled up "special" ciggerettes and put them in a pack. Boarding takes you through metal detectors and security is not over bearing by any means. Once on board I would smoke in the bathroom and run the shower. Spray a little something and move on. Just remember that the whole ship is under camera except your room. The balcony has camera too. Getting off the ship is where things are a little more interesting. Just a few dogs and possible bag checks. I was sure to be out when I got back. I really don't think you'll have any problems, just be safe and smart. Hell bro, just go enjoy yourself! No worries....
juss pre grind everything and pack it in a sock and roll the socks up like a ball theyll juss think its the sock inside its self previously done and passed
everyone should get one of these ,

blow thru smoke neutralizer. works better than anything ive used, works real well, and the thing lasts too. even if you just blow air thru it it works really well as an air freshener, always covers up the smell for me.

an alternative is a paper towel/toilet paper roll stuffed with dryer sheets (bounce or whatever) but im telling you this thing works alot better, and its small and stealthy lol