how much water do you give your new seedlings


Active Member
hey im new to this site and growing i just put my germinated seeds in 5 gallon butckets how much water should i be giving them


Well-Known Member
hey im new to this site and growing i just put my germinated seeds in 5 gallon butckets how much water should i be giving them
not too much at all...just make sure it's real humid, like 60%, and the soil should be not soaking wet, but moist...


Well-Known Member
for my current grow i didn't water my seedlings for almost a week...i kept them in starter plugs in a humidity dome and would mist in there and spray the plugs a want the young roots to search for water, this makes for a great young root system!


Well-Known Member
I just keep the soil moist and keep a eye on them every day and when the soil is dry I add more water but I always wait until the soil is dry before I add any water after about a week you can kind of tell when and how much water to add I water twice a week one time with nutes. and one time plan distilled water but I'm not a long time grower but it's worked for me so far I just can't get rid of these damn spidermites


Well-Known Member
at first

about 1/2 oz a day

then by day 9 1-2 oz of h2o

To this point I have been only using water (H2O). But now I mixed 5ml of FoxFarm's Big Bloom (0.01-0.3-0.7) per gallon of water. This is a one half mix but in a week or so I'll be over full strength.


Well-Known Member
at first

about 1/2 oz a day

then by day 9 1-2 oz of h2o

To this point I have been only using water (H2O). But now I mixed 5ml of FoxFarm's Big Bloom (0.01-0.3-0.7) per gallon of water. This is a one half mix but in a week or so I'll be over full strength.
do you use foxfarm soil?


Well-Known Member
i have 4 seedlings in LightWarrior by Foxfarm. Its good stuff. Stays moist and lets you know when its dry. Its a soiless mix and good for the seedling stage.


Well-Known Member
i have 4 seedlings in LightWarrior by Foxfarm. Its good stuff. Stays moist and lets you know when its dry. Its a soiless mix and good for the seedling stage.
I too have 20 seedlings in light warrior, there working on ther 2nd node but they dont seem to be to happy, there all green but there growing kinda slow. I guess my ? is how long do you keep them in that soil. Im using happyfrog for the transplant but i dont want them to get burned either.


Well-Known Member
i was plannin on using HappyFrog aswell, from what i know the HappyFrog is very light on nutes. IF it even has any. I think you will be okay. But yeha id like to know wheni need to re-plant.


Well-Known Member
how was the FFOF on your seedlings? Im woried it will burn mine. I did last time. Recently burnt my friends Bubblegum seedlings, all 30 of them


Well-Known Member
So my 20 seedlings are not doing so well, like i said before there all in light warrior soil & in little party cups, (The Kid Size ones) and there starting to yellow, I not sure whats going on, i have been trying to find the best way to start out, but everytime they get to there 2nd node they just stop growing, I just got some white widow, purple power and G13 Power Skunk, but dont want to hit the dirt with them till a find a good way to get them going good, My 20 are bagseed, and i veg under 48" florecents 24/7, but cant seem to get them going, so any suggestions would be much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
im having problems too. My seedlings are in LightWarrior and they are starting to turn yellow and purple. Two of hte first leaves fell off on one. Wasnt even an inch tall yet....


Well-Known Member
I've been using ocean forest it's been good stuff I must say never used lightwarrior before do you use co2 I'm thinking adding that to my girls


Well-Known Member
i made a homemade c02 thingy. It made my room smell like beer for a week. Didnt notice anything though ;(