Nirvana Extortion?

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Active Member
I got really irritated at Nirvana for this, so I sent them an e-mail. Here is that e-mail along with their response.

[SIZE=-1] To:
[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Just wanted to let you know that the forums are buzzing about how if a person who orders seeds from you and then does not get them and tries to put a stop payment on the charge, you guys send an e-mail threatening to turn them over to the local police. Most of the ppl on the forums view this as extortion. I've read your website and I understand your "shipping terms", so I can understand why Nirvana would be irritated by the chargeback or hold, but to threaten a customer by telling them you are going to give the local coppers their name, address and a DETAILED LIST of what they ordered? I hope it was worth ruining your North American market over less than 50 US dollars[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Buddy <> [/SIZE] [SIZE=-1] Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 12:59 AM [/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]
To: me
[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1] [FONT=Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial]Hello,

We have our own grow areas to protect.
Like other growers around the world, we stay as far away from the cops as possible!

We accept the terms of credit card business and going to the cops over a charge back would just be childish and simply stupid because it would not bring anything anyway.

What forums do you mean?
I would like to see this absurdity for myself.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
If your ever in Amsterdam, pass by and we will burn a thick one. (police free of course)

Kind regards,



Well-Known Member
i am reopening this thread because i was told Nirvana would like to address this themselves. if this was BS by the OP i will be the first to apologize to Nirvana. and the OP will be punished accordingly.


I'll be the second. This is interesting, Very interesting!


Well-Known Member
Just seemed a little weird that 2 parties would get totally "F***ing Bonkers" over either 35 bucks or "5" seeds or an "I'll tell on you" or, or, or, or..............?
Maybe it's Nirvana's competition trying to "jap"their big competitor?
Interesting indeed.


Well-Known Member
Like I said guy. Be an adult about it and everything will turn out ok. Taking some of these idiots advice and tell them to screw off is the wrong way to go about it.

It looks like to me that going about it as an adult was the right thing to do. Im happy its working out for you. Good luck in the future!


Well-Known Member
Since the OP ignored my last post I'll say it again.

What's the big deal with HOW you get them paid...Just explain to them you're not comfortable with a bank transfer but you're willing to paypal them again and be done with it. I can not see any reasonable business person refusing to accept a form of payment that they already accept. It's as simple as that.


Well-Known Member
Since the OP ignored my last post I'll say it again.

What's the big deal with HOW you get them paid...Just explain to them you're not comfortable with a bank transfer but you're willing to paypal them again and be done with it. I can not see any reasonable business person refusing to accept a form of payment that they already accept. It's as simple as that.
they clearly stated "bank transfer ONLY". read the FIRST post. :blsmoke:


Active Member
I've been looking around at seed companies myself, and I am glad to hear about the issues other people have had with any of the seed companies. Though one thing that I haven't really heard discussed is that the threatening email does state is that it is an "automated message", and the email itself certainly sounds like a computer generated message. It is possible to write a program that receives status information from Pay Pal and then updates the local software, and then for the software to act on that updated status with various actions (like automatically sending out threatening emails). I imagine that this specific situation doesn't occur all that someone said playing god is something Pay Pal does rather well (I have this crazy friend who managed to buy a $700+ camera from ebay, it was sent by courier, she decided to go out so she left a signed pick up notice for the courier company authorising them to deliver while she was out - something I would never do, it was delivered to her front door step but stolen before she got home...somehow she managed to challenge it through Pay Pal and Pay Pal refunded the money from the sender despite the fact that it was sent, delivered and signed for...I couldn't believe my ears!). If the items had been paid for by bank deposit, or money order or something like that, this situation would not really be possible. While I would be seriously PISSED at getting a message like this, it is possible that some douche bag who wrote their software included a message like this to be automatically sent out when a 'chargeback' occurs and for Nirvana staff to be largely unaware that they are sending out emails threatening police action each time....especially if it doesn't happen all that often (if I had ordered seeds and didn't get them and it was illegal where I live then I'd be unlikely to start making a fuss about it). Or if it isn't custom software, then again, this may be a case where the software company has written this kind of message in. I am really interested to see if Nirvana come here with a response.

Having said that, I have no intention of finding out whether this is a deliberate policy or not!


New Member
wow.. Is this the same guy that was saying that nirvava did this about a mnth ago? the last time I heard this it was because the guy said it was an accident or w/e and he didnt mean to do a chargeback.. I cant find the thread ( GAY ASS SEARCH BUTTON ARGH! ) but it seems like Nirvana IS doing this.. If this isnt the same guy that is.


New Member
NOPE im not the same guy, this was my first/last time trying to buy seeds, the clones were beauties!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
why is it that you never emailed them (nirvana) to ask about an alternate payment or the situation in general?


Well-Known Member
they clearly stated "bank transfer ONLY". read the FIRST post. :blsmoke:
I suggest YOU read the first post. They clearly request payment by bank transfer, but nowhere did that letter say "bank transfer ONLY" Even if they DID say "bank transfer ONLY" so what. Where is your brain? Do you really think that if the OP calmly explained that he has issues with doing a bank transfer that any intelligent business person would rather lose the money and report him instead of trying to work something out?

And now that I reread that letter (which was added latter I might add) it says they would be notifying the fraud dept of the credit card company. I do believe that is who they are referring to when they say "Local Authorities" and that the OP assumed they meant LEO. Nirvana has nothing to gain by calling the cops and only stands to lose if they did. No matter what you kids think pot is NOT legal in the netherlands and although they don't arrest people for toking and allow coffeeshops to operate they DO arrest people for growing. Specially growing on the scale needed to produce seeds. Calling the cops would not get Nirvana it's money and since the email does not say that specifically I think the only thing they are guilty of is poorly wording that email.

Yeah the more I read and think about it the more I realize that the OP is totally out of line here. Instead of contacting Nirvana to check on his order he reversed payment. He said he never got ANY emails from them stating they shipped. Any logical person would ask what was up first before trying to take the money back. It's not like Nirvana is some fly by night operation they've been around for years. Then knowing (or not, it makes no difference) that all the risk was on him the OP reverses payment. That's theft. Then to top it all off he reads something into the email they sent him that was not there and blows this whole thing out of proportion.


Well-Known Member
I suggest YOU read the first post. They clearly request payment by bank transfer, but nowhere did that letter say "bank transfer ONLY" Even if they DID say "bank transfer ONLY" so what. Where is your brain? Do you really think that if the OP calmly explained that he has issues with doing a bank transfer that any intelligent business person would rather lose the money and report him instead of trying to work something out?

And now that I reread that letter (which was added latter I might add) it says they would be notifying the fraud dept of the credit card company. I do believe that is who they are referring to when they say "Local Authorities" and that the OP assumed they meant LEO. Nirvana has nothing to gain by calling the cops and only stands to lose if they did. No matter what you kids think pot is NOT legal in the netherlands and although they don't arrest people for toking and allow coffeeshops to operate they DO arrest people for growing. Specially growing on the scale needed to produce seeds. Calling the cops would not get Nirvana it's money and since the email does not say that specifically I think the only thing they are guilty of is poorly wording that email.

Yeah the more I read and think about it the more I realize that the OP is totally out of line here. Instead of contacting Nirvana to check on his order he reversed payment. He said he never got ANY emails from them stating they shipped. Any logical person would ask what was up first before trying to take the money back. It's not like Nirvana is some fly by night operation they've been around for years. Then knowing (or not, it makes no difference) that all the risk was on him the OP reverses payment. That's theft. Then to top it all off he reads something into the email they sent him that was not there and blows this whole thing out of proportion.

calm down dude, it's gonna be ok. :hug::hug:


Well-Known Member
I'm with 101010101. If anyone reads something they don't like, all of a sudden the cops are involved. Why do so many people mention the word cop on here. First the OP thinks nirvana is going to call the cops. Then you got UserFriendly calling the OP a cop.

What's with all the fucking cop talk. I understand we are doing something illegal, but shit.

Am I a cop too? I've read that jigfresh is slang for DEA. Seriously, some of you guys might want to cut back on whatever you are smoking.

And why not try to clarify with nirvana, tiger?


Well-Known Member
ive been telling him the entire time to reason with them like an adult. You would be surprised at how much better the situation will turn out. If someone threatened to phone your local police, then let them know you would rather work it out with their manager/owner. That doesn't sound like something a manager/owner would say to a customer.

Just get it dealt with and close this stupid thread. Its really bringing out all the idiots.

Good luck Wontime!

Bon Doogey

Well-Known Member
If you are in the US and your seeds got seized I believe you should get a letter from customs. I read through this thread and saw nothing about you receiving a letter so that's one thing that tells me that there may be something up here. As far as the "narc" issue goes that is ridiculous. A company like that knows the tension of their customer as well as the tension of the community. I will never order from Nirvana now, I will keep "attitude" as my choice. Companies like this should know that the smallest inkling of customer dissatisfaction is going to result in bad PR.


Well-Known Member
If you are in the US and your seeds got seized I believe you should get a letter from customs. I read through this thread and saw nothing about you receiving a letter so that's one thing that tells me that there may be something up here. As far as the "narc" issue goes that is ridiculous. A company like that knows the tension of their customer as well as the tension of the community. I will never order from Nirvana now, I will keep "attitude" as my choice. Companies like this should know that the smallest inkling of customer dissatisfaction is going to result in bad PR.
If you live in the US you shouldnt order from outside our country anyways. ANYTHING sent to the US is opened and checked. If you ordered seeds from outside the US and received them I would like to know who you are and how you did it because I have never been able to send so much as a computer game (call of duty 4) to a friend without the box being ripped open and checked even though it said right on the package what it was.

Nirvana isnt a bad shop, a mistake was made somewhere, or the seeds were seized. Whether you want to believe it or not. No they dont have to send a letter to you stating it was taken. Its gone, and thats the end of it. I know plenty of people who never got their mail from me personally as well and never got a letter saying anything about it. The US government is corupt, and they will do whatever they want and tell you nothing.

Everyone needs to drop the subject and stop giving wontime your "great" advice.

Wontime dont give up on ordering online. Just be sure to read all rules on the site your ordering from, and make sure they are american. Your mail wont be searched if you order from within the US.


Well-Known Member
ive been telling him the entire time to reason with them like an adult. You would be surprised at how much better the situation will turn out. If someone threatened to phone your local police, then let them know you would rather work it out with their manager/owner. That doesn't sound like something a manager/owner would say to a customer.

Just get it dealt with and close this stupid thread. Its really bringing out all the idiots.

Good luck Wontime!
i reopened it so Nirvana could come here and reply. they wanted to see it. should i not let them? :-|


New Member
If you live in the US you shouldnt order from outside our country anyways. ANYTHING sent to the US is opened and checked. If you ordered seeds from outside the US and received them I would like to know who you are and how you did it because I have never been able to send so much as a computer game (call of duty 4) to a friend without the box being ripped open and checked even though it said right on the package what it was.

Umm.. NOOB ^^ .. Someone please link to a U.S. seed bank please.. LOL
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