i'll admit that your naive posing does bring out the worst in me, but i don't think it could actually be called hateful. i'm merely pointing out the obvious fact that you can never tell which way the wind will blow. with all your calls for vengeance against the evil corporations and the soulless rich, you seem oblivious to the history of totalitarian takeovers. when regimes change and unrest threatens, it is seldom the guilty who pay the price.
i'd look forward to meeting you, if only to see the look on your face as you realized that vengeance cuts both ways and the common man has no friend in government. being no closet anarchist, i'm quite acquainted with the downturns one's life may take when holding an unpopular point of view, but i wonder how a
champion of the downtrodden would take to the realization that he has swallowed the lies and still must pay the price.
what little subversion i may be guilty of on the boards is probably among my lesser sins, but i would be proud to have them considered egregious enough to warrant my incarceration as an enemy of the state. i may be capable of seeing the necessities behind the actions of these political animals, but, unlike you and the deluded followers of the liberal establishment, i have never been a disciple of our would-be masters.
my one regret would be that i couldn't bring along my stash, so we could at least share a bit of something decent to while away the hours.