Hayduke's Seldom Seen Garden


Well-Known Member
This pheno (RD #1) is more on the Sativa side, and was my least favorite. She was moved out of the middle and brightest spot about 10 days ago and is much happier, she has slowly produced nice heavy colas.

These pics are all #1.

****This is update 3 of 5! starts on previous page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*****



Well-Known Member
This pheno looked as if she would finish real early. Tops were and are done at the very top. Lower portions of the same colas were not getting much light. I have actively been bending colas over and removing fans that create too much shade. This has slowed the tops and allowed the lower buds to ripen.
At one point I thought she was on track to finish @ 55 days, and probably would if not slowed by my molestation. The strain is supposed to go 65-75 days and will at least go the former...I think.

****This is update 4 of 5!*****



Well-Known Member
Hey Baz, I don't know if your message got cut off because I was uploading pics or if you were just abducted by extraterrestrials...I hope the former, but if it was the latter...tell everybody I said hi!



Well-Known Member
Hey Baz, I don't know if your message got cut off because I was uploading pics or if you were just abducted by extraterrestrials...I hope the former, but if it was the latter...tell everybody I said hi!

Ha Ha Ha wtf...
i meant to say Everything is looking nice and healty lol, god knows what happened then lol

Keep up the good work Hayduke bud


Well-Known Member
ET phone home!!! hahah that was some funny shit, lookin great as always hayduke really coming along :weed:
Thanks dude! Looks like it will be sizable for my little space!

I have 11oz of STRONG canna-butter we made yesterday. Probably 2.5-3 zips of 95% nugglets in 2.75 pounds of butter. Pushed through a chinois (very fine strainer) making very clean great tasting butter! We had some cookies yesterday. I ate 2 while hot, and another two an hour or so later (on an empty stomach) and did not smoke again the rest of the night. While doing gardening chores, twice I had to go down to a knee because I felt dizzy! My dinner a few hours later tasted amazing...and it was only a frozen burrito covered in green sauce with a drizzle of sour cream and taco sauce:-P

I am making a 9x13 pan of brownies from scratch with the 11 oz /i was sent home with...:weed:


Well-Known Member
Looking amazing! I'm posting updates tonight as well..

I wish you were in my area, seems we would get along well!

I want brownies now... Ha ha ha!


Well-Known Member
Looking amazing! I'm posting updates tonight as well..

I wish you were in my area, seems we would get along well!

I want brownies now... Ha ha ha!
I agree! I had to leave that clone thread, as I was getting out of hand!
Thanks for the kind words!


Well-Known Member
After fighting staminate growth from the middle of the calyx next to a pair of pistils (male flower growing straight out of a female flower) for 5 days, #3 and #1 were cut @ 62 days.

Pics of my nightmare tonight, gotta go see the Canna Doc for my renewal.



Well-Known Member
Can't be too bad. At least you have something!
True. I smoked a bud I cut on Mon or Tues yesterday and it was good. Just would have been MUCH better. I cut Friday night and it looked a little better, but I could see many more spots where it looked like new growth coming in, and that new growth for the past few days had all been stamens. It appeared as though she was devoting all energy to fertilization.

The two that have been cut are #1 and #3, also referred to as Tall and Short or the Sativa and Indica Phenos respectively (Ironically the "fast" pheno remains rooted and is SLOW!). The two were several inches closer to the intense light in my small space than #4 (fast pheno) which may be the reason for this hopefully stress induced hermaphrodism. My bro (global dude) is growing some of my red diesels and tells me they seem to be sensitive to light, nutes and water. He had to move his indica phenos to the side tray which only gets spill over from the 1000w.

Anyway a second overgrown headband was stuffed in the box Sat morn at lights out and took 6 cuttings of a spectacular veg indica pheno in the dark this morning. K-train are on flush and though will not be heavy yielders, they look like sugar sculptures of MJ.

Doc gave me 12 more mos on my 215 recommendation so any eaves dropping swine can wallow elsewhere.

Last four pics are: two of #3, #2, and last weeks goodies (need more butter!).




Well-Known Member
I started to read the thread and noticed how nice the setup was and everything else, and I myself was very surprised that no one had responded or gave it much attention in the beginning. So i skipped to the end to see when it ended and i figured it was somewhere in feb. , i was right, keep growing and make more journals, gonna read the rest of this one and any future ones. Well I commented so it would be subscribed, good grow!!+rep


Well-Known Member
I own Seemorebuds' cfl book- bought it when GK first released it.. lol..last nov... https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/36622-seemorebuds-marijuana-buds-less-grow.html
My first grow was cfl which resulted in a 3 oz. 12 gram cured yield from one plant- a few bumps along the way (mostly with falling lights and burnt leaves/buds)
That baby was vegged 2.5 months before put into flowering under cfls- the biggest thing with cfls is placement, it's critical.

Cfl buds are always a lot fluffier and less dense than hps buds- hence more bud spots are usually better for the overall yield. Usually for any plant flowering isn't suggested until the plant is at least 18 inches tall. It's key to note that the mango strain used by GK in his book is a VERY heavy yielding strain, his results aren't very typical. Starting seeds at 12/12 prior to them reaching mature age does not make the plant sex quicker or flower faster- the only thing it does is cut down the energy the plant gets,stunting growth. With clones though, since the mother plant has already reached maturity you can start 12/12 actual flowering right off the bat (there is no sexing stage for clones)though the plant will be much smaller with a much smaller yeild as it was rushed. Also 12/12 does NOT induce the plant to show it's sex, the plant's maturity does, all my plants from seed always show sex while under 24/0 lights because I veg them until they reach maturity before inducing flowering, no rushed plants here. A thought to remember- in nature these plants veg for nearly 5 months before flowering, almost an 8 months life span- forcing the plant to go through it's whole life cycle in 3 months is stressful enough. Just some info to remember the next time around..

Do not always follow the directions on the nutes you buy- those directions are not for marijuana growers, lol, they are for hobby gardeners and produce. Again, marijuana needs very little nutrients compared to all the other plants typical gardeners are growing- a typical nute dosage for typical plants is usually an overdose for marijuana. You are growing a WEED, remember that- they usually thrive better with less intervention.

You also should have paid less attention to the amount of water you put into the container during the flush and more attention to the color of the water coming from the container during the flush- the point of the flush is to put water through until it comes out clear. That's the only way you can be sure you got all the toxic buildup out of the soil... a flush is a touchy move, though a little late to be saying that- as now your plant will continue to show signs from the OD (some OD signs take almost 2 weeks to show up in the leaves), and will make it difficult to sort out OD signs from possible under nutrition signs caused by the flush itself..

So yeah.. any questions let me know.. right now you're pretty much at a wait and see point.

Also with that heat problem you just had- did you check if the plant actually needed to be watered before you watered?? I.E. stuck you finger 2 inches into the soil to see if the soil was moist? If it's moist 2 inches below the surface DON'T WATER.
I beg to differ about the theory of the plant needs to be at least 18 inches to flower. It is better yield if the plant is bigger, but you can bud a plant at almost any size.


Well-Known Member
I started to read the thread and noticed how nice the setup was and everything else, and I myself was very surprised that no one had responded or gave it much attention in the beginning. So i skipped to the end to see when it ended and i figured it was somewhere in feb. , i was right, keep growing and make more journals, gonna read the rest of this one and any future ones. Well I commented so it would be subscribed, good grow!!+rep
Welcome Herb dude! I'm sure you have noticed already, but this is the second harvest and now semi perpetual. Only five plants in flower right now, but the box is still pretty full. 2 K-train are in flush @ 63 days,
1 Headband @ 28 days, 1 Headband @ 7, and 1 Red Diesel (indica pheno) also @ 7 days.

I beg to differ about the theory of the plant needs to be at least 18 inches to flower. It is better yield if the plant is bigger, but you can bud a plant at almost any size.
I agree, my first grow was straight from little clones, and I seriously abused them, but the yield would still have been weak. The Red diesel grow that just finished went to flower at 18" after a ridiculous 8 weeks of veg (nobody said WTF?). Especially in my limited height space this is too long, though I have not yet got the timing down for plants into flower being under 18". I think about 4 weeks veg and 12" is about right. I have had male flowers appear @ ~7-8 weeks, and I believe (more correctly my very experience grow bro told me) this is due to some sort of light stress. Either 24hr veg light (corrected) or too intense light @ 8" below the 400w in such a small space. I think I need to be at least 12" below glass even though the heat is not limiting closer plants.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope my early mistakes and frustration with the milf will not turn you off!

Off to the local shop for free tea Saturday!

Oh yeah and the indica pheno (RD #3) had fans removed and is in paper sack after 8 day hang dry of entire plant. It probably went a little long on the air dry and will be in jars in a day or 2. Excluding the majority of the bottom little buds (butter makings) and with some stem still attached... 68.7g's. This is not a final weight though. #1 will be trimmed later today.



Well-Known Member
#1 and #3 (Sativa and Indica Phenos of Red Diesel) are dry and in jars.


#1 = 49.4g
#3 = 44g
Trim = 76.6g

Oh and the buds in the jars smell amazing (not like hay!!!!!)

Chef Hayduke in the Kitchen
I rounded up some other sh!t laying around for about 78g into 2 pounds of butter now cooling. Made tea with what was left after pushing through chinois (fine mesh strainer), now drinking!

Will make some FAT ASS brownies later today. I have a great brownie recipe that is cakey enough to hold a lot of extra butter. It calls for 8oz, I made with 10 oz last time and it could take alot more, so going to add a whole pound...they will be moist as hell and hopefully strong enough to eat a small amount. I am going to add chocolate chips and walnuts to make yummier. I am also going to make some chocolate chip cookies with 50% more butter than recipe.

Garden Update

K-Train are in flush and 8 weeks in flower. Trichs still 90% clear.

Headband 1 is 4 weeks in flower, Headband 2 is 1 week. These are 2 of the 3 "zombies" (re-veg), the third is a mom for now.

Another RDI (Red Diesel Indica Pheno) is 1 week in flower and lovely.

2 clones were taken off one of the RD fast pheno (for lack of better description) and she was chopped for space and I am not digging the pheno. One more of these in veg being heavily tied down for possible rotation into flower but may meet the same fate as her sister. A KT and RDS (sativa Pheno) clone are in 5" econo pots (love them). These are my first 100% coir/perlite.

New additions: LA Confidential (3 cuttings) and two Skunk Kush


first 3 are KT, then Headband1. 5 & 6 are RDI, and the last 2 live plants are HB2 and the babies

Harvest pics are: Red Diesels#1 and #1 in jars---#3 the next two---then All jars with #4 hanging---just the jars---trim----main cola of #1 (#3 was nice but did not get picture:roll:

I will upload pics later gotta go!! sorry for the tease!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
hahaha i was reading through all your shit getting ready to type "you forgot the pics dumbass!!!" way to go... bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
The two pounds of butter yielded ~22oz

I put 6oz in a half batch of toll house recipe (would normally be 4oz) and made 17 cookies. I have 16 oz left for 15 brownies.

3 Cookies = >1oz butter

1 brownie = > 1 oz butter

1oz butter = 3.5g trim (more than half is small buds)

I had 3 cookies and they are nice. Maybe too much for some...:mrgreen:
