Dark green and curling gimme the news doc!!


Active Member
Help the tips of my leaves are dark green and pointing down.... wtf!!???? i hve them in scotts soil that said it will feed up to 4 months... ya yaa i know it sux but all i could find. i have 2 100w cfl's on 1 plant 2 on another. i water 1 every three days????



Well-Known Member
Help the tips of my leaves are dark green and pointing down.... wtf!!???? i hve them in scotts soil that said it will feed up to 4 months... ya yaa i know it sux but all i could find. i have 2 100w cfl's on 1 plant 2 on another. i water 1 every three days????
Cuppin are taco leafs is usually i sign of high temps,I dont see anything really to be worried about they look real healthy to me!!Whats your temp, and humidity?

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
Phosphorus deficiency is what I think

How old is it? If its over 3 weeks I would give it a small does of veg nutes


Active Member
my temps are around 75 im not sure of the humidity but im sure its on the dry side. however i did leave for two days and had the closet door closed which i usually leave it cracked so fresh air comes in. also these plants are only 1week 6 days old. thnx for ny help guys all is appreciated


Active Member
man guys look at them im getting scared for my babys.... they have no yelloing just a perfect green color with the tips pointing down... someone help me call the medic!!!! get me Cheech over here....or even chong!!! im not giving any nutes since im using scotts soil it said it feeds up to 4 months. is this wrong??? should i start nutes at half dose? ny help guys is so much appreciated


Active Member
man guys look at them im getting scared for my babys.... they have no yelloing just a perfect green color with the tips pointing down... someone help me call the medic!!!! get me Cheech over here....or even chong!!! im not giving any nutes since im using scotts soil it said it feeds up to 4 months. is this wrong??? should i start nutes at half dose? ny help guys is so much appreciated
pics sorry



Active Member
common guys gimme something here!!!! No one geesh.... if not for me do it for the green!! Plant down!! Maday Maday plnt in trouble!!


Well-Known Member
First, stop worrying.

They look fine to me OVERALL. Plants always show signs on some leaves here and there. Wait a couple days and watch the progress closely.

It could be a reaction to the nutes in the soil, a sort of AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!. Super Charge ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member

it could totally be a temp things. you know, when you're uncomfortable, you do things like move around, plants do too.


Well-Known Member
they look to me like they may be thirsty? i give mine water every other day. feel down in your soil like an inch or so.. if its dry.. i would give em a good watering


Active Member
yea i just watered them.... i hope thats the prob i was watering once every three days but it was dry when i checked... i will be so pissed if these plants die. should i be giving nutes at all if im using scotts soil that feeds up to 4 months??


Active Member
thank budha!! my plants are looking better!! I folier feed them 1/4 epsom salt in 1 quart of water and about 4 hours lter they strightend out.... whooo!!!


Well-Known Member
forget about it mate the plant looks fine.. Let it do its thing it will survive.
carry on how uve been doing and fert at a low dose.


Active Member
yup, i am.. ive got 4 plants under 2 30wat daylight + 1 19 wat softlight..its not alot of light but my box is very small and its more than enough light in there.
how old are your plants? where did you get the 30w cfl's? how many watts do they produce? i also have 4 plants and i have 6 27w=100w cfls. i have my plants in the closet the size of a port-a-pottie. i think its enough now but not sure what im gonna do when i go into flowering stage. i was thinking i would just switch to the soft white cfl's do you think it would work?


Well-Known Member
the soft whites are good for flowering i heard.. i found the 30wats at kmart, they are equivalent to 100+ watts, they put out 1845 lumens a piece.. i have my plants in a very small box (i grow small plants, about a foot and half) so the light is enough for me.. i think u have enough light as long as u have them nice a close... u have any pics of the setup?>


Active Member
the soft whites are good for flowering i heard.. i found the 30wats at kmart, they are equivalent to 100+ watts, they put out 1845 lumens a piece.. i have my plants in a very small box (i grow small plants, about a foot and half) so the light is enough for me.. i think u have enough light as long as u have them nice a close... u have any pics of the setup?>
this is my plants in the closet


over watering maybe or if it is hot in there which i doubt with cfls and u havent soaked like let the soil run through the pot for way to long u must be under watering it especiially in that type of soil id guess to much watering but follow these guidelines as a line to water too little waters never a problem compared to over and poke nice round holes at the bottom of the cup best i got