uk growers


Well-Known Member
I was just saying yesterday that i'm gonna open a hydrophonic shop in the local shopping centre gonna bang a few differant lighting sytems around the place sell cubes the lot i'm even going to sell collectables like seeds all differant strains loads of people collect them over here in the uk it's not illegal to buy seeds and the growing eqipment so i wont be breaking any laws along with any nutrients.I'M EVEN GONNA SELL THE WEED WORLD MAGAZINE BECAUSE NO OTHER FUCKERSELLS IT WHY IS IT SO HARD TO GET WHEN IT'S PRINTED IN THE UK.Just a dream but it was good while it lasted but you could make a killing in my hood selling all the stuff needed to grow.


Well-Known Member
GROWELL is a good starting place i got full hydrophnic system plus everything that you need even down to scalpal for cloneing superthrive vitalink a and b veg and vitalink a and b bloom preader mat pump 250hps the hood 20 of each of the rock wool sizes 2ince and4 all the proper hanging gear 130 pound can't moan at that i've moved on to bigger and not better just bigger thing but i still use my first kit the above one for getting clones up to a decent height alot faster they say you can plant a mx of 4 plants in this first system i got i have had 6 no problem.Get on to them and order a cataloge there shop is in the uk open 7 days a week i always have recived my goods the next day if ordered b4 dinner time shop in london fulham[FUCK ME SOMETHING GOOD IN LONDON I THOUGHT THAT THE ONLY GOOD THING ABOUT LONDON WAS THE ROAD LEADING NORTH]Solihull west midlands.web address is and no i don't work for them they just have a banging service.


Well-Known Member
the dam do have some good strains only bin pnec and got a cold when i got thie rso a bit dissapointing but when i hear some of the clones in Cali like OG KUSH and Purple urkle they sound so nice but i know i will probly never get to try them


Well-Known Member
Yer i also get incredibly annoyed/jealous of you guys in the US, i constantly read about someone walking into walmart(asda) and getting a 65w or 42w cfl stupidly cheap, but here we pay more for a 20w bulb, and a 20w seems to be the highest wattage bulb we can get in stores, it sucks whole ass.


Well-Known Member
while there are lots of decent "grow-shops" here in the UK, and it's a growing industry, i too get a bit miffed reading how simple it is to go to a super-sized walmart/HD/lowes/etc and buy so many varietiesof bulbs, tubes, fittings, fans, pumps, pots, GPMG's, APC's etc etc for $1.39c or whatever :sad:
at least getting seeds is fairly hassle free :-P


Well-Known Member
Nice sites those mate. I dont like ordering online im a bit paro ........ lol...............if you no what i mean


Well-Known Member
Yeah same. Screw fix do a nice HID lighting that isint bad.

250w it has everything just needs abit of wiring. U get free delivery on orders over 50quid. Slightly cheaper than those hydro shops ive seen... by a few quid. And screw fix u would get free shipping. Well to be honest. Its more legal in america so theres more demand and stuff so more shops. In UK i dont think its that common and so therefore lack of shops and stuff. But ah well.

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
You'd be surprised how many people grow over here, I found out a few years ago that my brother in law, my mums ex husband and one of her friends all had massive grow ops in their lofts. Only one of them is still growing, but you'd be surprised.


Well-Known Member
You'd be surprised how many people grow over here, I found out a few years ago that my brother in law, my mums ex husband and one of her friends all had massive grow ops in their lofts. Only one of them is still growing, but you'd be surprised.
The fact is though, in USA they can grow with " permission ". Here we simply cant. The shops and things must recognize this and thus sell to this market. In the UK it isint like that.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, we've still got the "I was just growing chillies" excuse though.
lol :D :bigjoint: " no mr. police man, was just growing some chillis..... must have gone wrong. "

" please mr. policeman, this is just chillis in the ciggarette "

" no mr. policeman, this is just a cigarrette. "