Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Congrats on the HJ Miss! That is such a good feeling when you see that preflower. It is like YEAH YEAH YEAH my hard work paid off, WooooHoooo! Congrats!!


New Member
high of 62 here today, I'm thinking about doing some yard work this afternoon. 65 tomorrow, but really windy.

I've got some things that are starting to green up outside. Saw some Iris popping out of the ground yesterday. :)


New Member
I've already taken 3 clones off the Hijack, I'll be growing this strain for years to come.

I have an HPS picked out, just waiting for the right amount of spare cash to come along to get it. Winter is about over, we're almost back to 40 hour paychecks. :)


Well-Known Member
My Hijack plant popped out a female preflower yesterday......

Hey Pyro, I'm happy and I know it......:clap:
Congrats........ this inside growing stuff ain't bad so far...... can't wait to do my snowryders.... then about a month later I'll get my outside babies going... finish SR by 2nd week of June, then wait for cooler weather to do more inside........



Well-Known Member
I gotta ask.....what did your dog do to be banned from PetSmart?
She tore the place up. It was funny. Well worth the ban.
Seems as she hates ferrets. Ferrets are fast and sneaky. Picture this: Big hound dog chasing a ferret for 20 minutes through petsmart. It looked as if a bomb had exploded.


Well-Known Member
She tore the place up. It was funny. Well worth the ban.
Seems as she hates ferrets. Ferrets are fast and sneaky. Picture this: Big hound dog chasing a ferret for 20 minutes through petsmart. It looked as if a bomb had exploded.
LOL, I would of loved to have been there for that! Too funny.
I have learned one thing from taking my dogs there, NEVER buy anything on the bottom shelf!!! All the dogs pee on the bottom shelf stuff!! Yuck! That is my tip of the day! Never buy off the bottom shelves at PetSmart! Hahaha


New Member
Miss, my sagos went through two nights of hard freeze with the second night hitting 25 at 3:am (i was up)...no problems, they went through unscathed.

Give me a shout out in spring and I will send you a sago bud for you to pot up....

congrats on the preflower. I once preflowered a virgin....wait, that's not right...nvm :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Miss, my sagos went through two nights of hard freeze with the second night hitting 25 at 3:am (i was up)...no problems, they went through unscathed.

Give me a shout out in spring and I will send you a sago bud for you to pot up....

congrats on the preflower. I once preflowered a virgin....wait, that's not right...nvm :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:
My sago ALWAYS get whiteflies like crazy! Every year the underneath of their palms are covered in white almost looks like snow. With all the chemicals I put on them I would of thought they would die, but, nope....They laughed at the cold! They are some hardy plants!


New Member
I have never seen a dog pee on anything in PetSmart, ours must have more rigid rules or something. I'll make sure to stay away from the bottom shelf though, just in case.

I planted some Basil seeds Friday night and they're already popped out of the soil. I love CFLs, now I don't have to wait for spring to grow stuff !


Well-Known Member
I have never seen a dog pee on anything in PetSmart, ours must have more rigid rules or something. I'll make sure to stay away from the bottom shelf though, just in case.

I planted some Basil seeds Friday night and they're already popped out of the soil. I love CFLs, now I don't have to wait for spring to grow stuff !
My dog can not read she has a learning disability :) I grow that purple basil.


New Member
I planted Genovese basil, and some green onions, but the onions are being pokey, the basil had tap roots the next morning. I may get some of the purple basil, there were so many to pick from. I wanted the Italian kind for spaghetti sauce.


New Member
I want to get some mammoth basil, it's supposed to have huge leaves that you can wrap chicken breats in to cook them. Sounds good, I want to try it.

Anyone see today's Petsmart story on the news? Deer crashes into petsmart. Vet team patches up deer and set it free. Nice of them. They fixed it's injured leg and gave it antibiotics.