help me out take a look


Well-Known Member
good lookin out another.
very happy.felt like it was my birthday today :0)
i feel like smokin some more .like another hole dutch again


Well-Known Member
Eh you wnat to know whats fucked up?? I haven't smoked since Chritmas and can't smoke for another month and a half. I will tell you all why in a month and a half.... FUCK <------------<<<<<

you guys suck.


Well-Known Member
Must be nice nobody sends me nothin:( i thought a bunch of people would want to help out with my bagseed trade but no takers yet:( i want bagseed from everywhere!


Active Member
I was going to tell you that you may want to scrap the plants and start over with more, but the updated pics you posted look much better so keep on keepin on. the only thing i would recommend is that the next time you grow you grow more plants because its illegal and you mine as well fill your space. also, try to keep the grow area clean.