Are You Outraged At Octuplets??

Your Thoughts On The Octuplets...

  • I Think It's Cool

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • I Think It's An Atrocity

    Votes: 30 63.8%
  • I Think It['s None Of My Business

    Votes: 3 6.4%
  • I Dont Care

    Votes: 12 25.5%

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Well-Known Member
That bitch disgusts me. Who the fuck does she think she is bringing 14 children into this world with no father? She cannot take care of those kids she is a moron and she should be taken out back and shot like the ignorant piece of shit she is........People like her are popping up everywhere because all of these fucking tv shows "17 and counting" "john and kate +8" It glorifies abusing the medical system to get free money and have people to take care of their kids.

Women are not made to have litters of children......They have 2 nipples for a fucking reason

if they were supposed to have 8 kids at a time they would have 8 tits
exactly, its good to see im not the only one completly disgusted with this whole thing.

watch her interview, she is obviously unstable and in a fucking dreamworld. she says that she "knows that when she finishes her schooling she will be able to provide for my children". theres 2 things wrong with this - A. lets be real, she isnt gonna finish school with 14 kids and B. if she does go back to school who the fuck is taking care of the kids?

how the fuck do you take 14 kids anywhere? 14 leashes and a goddamn bus?!?


Well-Known Member
All of Suleman’s children are under the age of 8, and she now has 10 children under the age of 2. According to The Los Angeles Times, three of her older children have disabilities and receive Supplemental Security Income. In addition, Suleman reportedly receives $490 a month in food stamps from the state of California.

‘Not welfare’
Michael Furtney, a publicist for Suleman, told The Associated Press that Suleman does not think of the public funds she does receive as welfare.
“In Nadya's view, the money that she gets from the food stamp program ... and the resources disabilities payments she gets for her three children are not welfare,” he said. “They are part of programs designed to help people with need, and she does not see that as welfare.”


The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
she plans to use student loan money too :) That will get her four months---mind you she won't be able to pay tuition---seriously doubt she has a scholarship---so she will enroll to drop out---pocket the money to never be allowed student loan money again---brilliant :)

So now she can't get an education, won't be able to get a decent job, might as well stay home with the kids and get welfare checks for the rest of her life.


New Member
methinks you need to smoke one and chill the hell out.. Maybe she is wrong, but who the hell are we to judge her for it? Unless im mistaken, she didnt try to have all those babies.. It just happened.. FOR A REASON.. What that reason is, only GOD knows..And about the food stamp/disability thing, im not even gonna go there.Millions of ppl in THIS country cannot afford healthcare or food to eat. So those things are saving ppls lives.. These are just a few of the things that happen when you live in a capitalist society.. Some will have too much, some will have enough and alot will not have enough.


Well-Known Member
methinks you need to smoke one and chill the hell out.. Maybe she is wrong, but who the hell are we to judge her for it? And about the food stamp/disability thing, im not even gonna go there.Millions of ppl in THIS country cannot afford healthcare or food to eat. So those things are saving ppls lives.. These are just a few of the things that happen when you live in a capitalist society.. Some will have too much, some will have enough and alot will not have enough.
i can judge anyone who wants me to pay thier way, if you dissagree with that then i guess we dissagree.

and the food stamp thing is a great service that helps plenty of people who need it. she knowingly has children she knew she couldnt pay for.

on top of that, she says she spent over 100K on the in virto procedures and now uses welfare to feed the children.

and you say i have no right to judge.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
methinks you need to smoke one and chill the hell out.. Maybe she is wrong, but who the hell are we to judge her for it? And about the food stamp/disability thing, im not even gonna go there.Millions of ppl in THIS country cannot afford healthcare or food to eat. So those things are saving ppls lives.. These are just a few of the things that happen when you live in a capitalist society.. Some will have too much, some will have enough and alot will not have enough.
Extremely dumb arguments there---she is getting both state and federal money because of a situation she created. The government allowed her to have so many kids and now the government has to pay for them---fucking liberals :cuss:


Well-Known Member
i agree w/ sonofman, there is no way those kids arent gonna end up fucked up. it would be doing them a favor in the long run.
so its better to just drown them?

wow... do you have any appreciation for life? how ANYONE could say to drown children is beyond me.


Well-Known Member
same thing the humane society does ;-) Please spay or neuter your pets/undesirables.
spay or neuter is the same thing as drowning?

i know your all gonna say im dumb/stupid/ or watever... but i cant believe this shit. maybe they should have thrown you in the sack and let you drown...

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
spay or neuter is the same thing as drowning?

i know your all gonna say im dumb/stupid/ or watever... but i cant believe this shit. maybe they should have thrown you in the sack and let you drown...
that's how people used to get rid of litters of feral kittens and puppies before the humane society.

I said that more for shock value :)

But that bitch needs to have her uterus seized so it can't do anymore damage to the world.


Well-Known Member
word, and i think 6 is too much. we have a global population problem, i think anyone who replaces more than just themself is just a part of the problem.
How could you love, care for and support 6 fucking children. Let along 14 fucking babies! Even with a father. And have this world come out a good place? This world is so fucked. I give it 50 more years. Im off to build my spaceshuttle!

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
How could you love, care for and support 6 fucking children. Let along 14 fucking babies! Even with a father. And have this world come out a good place? This world is so fucked. I give it 50 more years. Im off to build my spaceshuttle!
There's going to be ww3 if there's a global depression---better hurry with your spaceshuttle :fire:


Well-Known Member
methinks you need to smoke one and chill the hell out.. Maybe she is wrong, but who the hell are we to judge her for it? Unless im mistaken, she didnt try to have all those babies.. It just happened.. FOR A REASON.. What that reason is, only GOD knows..And about the food stamp/disability thing, im not even gonna go there.Millions of ppl in THIS country cannot afford healthcare or food to eat. So those things are saving ppls lives.. These are just a few of the things that happen when you live in a capitalist society.. Some will have too much, some will have enough and alot will not have enough.

dude, one more time, really slow.

They .............. implanted .................... live ......................babies .....................inside of ...............................her.

so yes, you are mistaken. :bigjoint::bigjoint:


New Member
dude, one more time, really slow.

They .............. implanted .................... live ......................babies .....................inside of ...............................her.

so yes, you are mistaken. :bigjoint::bigjoint:

so she TRIED to have 8 babies at once? Of so, then thats just stupid.Maybe shes trying to get media attention? Iunno, I havent even heard of this.. I havent been watching the news lately.
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