I really hate to burst your collective bubbles, but the Marijuana question is about the last thing on his mind right now. I beleive the economy is job one, then the wars, then a myriad of other things before he addresses the minor subject of legalizing or decriminalizing Marijuana. I realize that to a pot smoker this might be job one, and I may be hated for even suggesting there are more important things, but if you'd put down that pipe for a few days, maybe that cloud would lift and the real world would come into view. Take it from a guy that smoked daily for nigh on to 30 years, there is life after pot. Smoking pot is a form of escapism, Maybe you need it, maybe not. Only you can tell when or if it is time to put down childish things and be aware of the real world. Now for you supposed "health" smokers, how many of you really need this drug for your health/pain? If you truly need this and it works, then I say great, it is medicine. But I'd bet my bundle that 90% of these med users in states where it is legal, are doing it just for the high. Just as with alcohol, speed, heroin, ar any drug of choice, it is the high you are after. You can say things like, pot is not addictive, and physically adictive, you are right, but mentally addictive, hell yeah it is addictive, other wise why would you smoke it every day, and from what I can garner on this site, most smoke every minute they are awake. I'm not saying you shouldn't be able to, hell, I advocate every drug should be legal. I'm just saying, sometimes it may be good to clear your mind from all drugs and step back and evaluate your life. I may not be in a state of europhoria all the time, but I can see what is really coming at me, and to be honest, pot really doesn't work for me anymore. I'm not knocking pot smoking, just suggesting that it may not be the most important thing on the planet, and as you may be aware, I give all of you equal status in your arguements. I don't consider the being stoned thing as a handicap, although in some cases it well may be. BTW, being stoned does not really make you smarter, Just in some cases on this site, I've witnessed some that must think it does. (180 IQ) ring any bells?