BB & SSH Hydro Grow

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Looking good man. Meter reading 420. A sigh of good things to come? I think so. No that is not my mother plant. I keep my mother in soil to help slow down growth. Those are 2 clones of one that I have in flower. Quite a bit of pruning but no massive watts on them. In my small veg box they had 2, 42 watt cfl's mostly. Put into flower with 9 42's almost two weeks ago and bumped up the nutes. Waiting for the 2 in flower to finish so I can put them in there. They have been filling out like crazy. I just give them what the General Hydroponics chart call for and don't check ppm. I see if I can find before and after pics for you. Those are the only two in hydro right now except for the clones I'm starting. No ppm meter and hardly check my ph so far. I've got some organic stuff coming and when I add that I will maybe check more often at least to start. Up until now I have had no problem with ph. The leaves boating may be a magnesium deficiency. Maybe, It's the only one I know of that does that. Read it here: And take a look at the pics, they show it much farther along. Seen to me your ppm is still to low, and might be why it's like that. But I could not say for sure. Check the Foxfarm schedule to see what it say's for your time line. I use the GH but give them full dose of what it calls for and you can see how they are doing. IMO, I would up the ppm . I have used the ph testing stuff from GH and it was pretty good for that kind of stuff. It's the drop type like you said.


Well-Known Member
Just a friendly update.... damn they are growing faster then hell... the back two super silver haze are already nearly 12 inches tall now.... front one is a blueberry thats 6 inches tall...
The curing leafs arent curling near as much anymore... i think it was simply from high humidity.. i do have a temp/humidity monitor in my grow room... i used to keep it directly under the light and right next to the plants but it would read 130 degrees F ... lol... there was no way in hell that the grow room was getting even remotley that hot.. i think the light was just throwing it humidity has been getting higher lately because of the warm weather.. its around 50% humidity:bigjoint:
well i went out and bought a humidity dome to prepare for any upcoming grow... not sure if i will clone or just grow from seeds... u wukk be pondering about this for a while... if i had a bigger place i would keep a mother but I do live in public housing (didnt realize the reprucusions when i moved in here) so i should keep my grow to a very minimal... i will most deffiently be moving when my lease is up... prob go to the country side and stay outta the school zones and public housing... someone can get 10 years to life for growing weed in public housing.....shit thats retarded...
Dude.. my grow looks a lot better when i throw a CFL above the grow before i snap a picture... damn hps light puts a weird tint in the color
These pictures (except the first one) are the REAL colors of the plants :D



Active Member
those look totally ace dude, the blueberry looks so cool. i'm growing ice at the moment, i'd quiet like to try a blue strain next.


Well-Known Member
dude that blueberry is one short THICK plant... its got tons and tons of stems inside of stems in the middle of the plant... im hoping it grows one big ass cola

those look totally ace dude, the blueberry looks so cool. i'm growing ice at the moment, i'd quiet like to try a blue strain next.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Plants are looking great man. 50% is not high, just on the high side. But maybe you meant it was higher before? I still don't think it was the humidity though. When growing outside in the southeast it would get much higher than that with no problems. They could just be liking those new nutes you got them. Anyway, great work. they are really coming along very nice. Good to see things going good for you. Get a place in the country and you can have a couple outside also.


Well-Known Member
Dude.. using the distilled water along with the foxfarm hydro grow big has been successful. These bad boys are loving these nutes and water. I literally have been getting a tape measure out and takeing down notes on each plant. In the last 24 hours these plants have grown 1.5 inches taller :bigjoint:
My pH is around 6.2 and does not fluctuate near as much. My ppms around 700 and has been droping over the past few days along with my water levels droping... good signs
How has your ph been doing with the new nutes?


Well-Known Member
dude... im most defiantly putting this into flowering mode ASAP... but first i gotta find out how to keep these plants from growing into each other... should i lollipop these bad boys or top them, string them up and pull them apart??


Well-Known Member
I was informed that i should take my plants and tie some rope to the tops of them and pull them towards the ground. Doing this would expose the main trunk of the plant so that more bud will grow there and not be hidden under all the damn leaves... What do you guys think?

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Ya man, using the right stuff can make the difference. I've been using the General Hydroponics stuff on these. And they have been doing great. Checked the ph last night and it has been a few day's since last checked. It was 6.0 and water was down about 3/4 gal. I don't have a meter so I cant check ppm but I don't care really since they are doing just fine. I do want to get one soon though so I can know what it is. But since I could not check I didn't want to give them anymore at full strength but wanted to give them something. So I did low dose of "Cha Ching" 1/4 tsp in a gallon (it's on the foxfarm chart). And when I checked toe ph on the mix it was 6.1 with no adjusting. That was great right where I wanted it. And what more I needed I just topped off with distilled. I got some pics last night when checking and such. Mine are growing like crazy too since I put them in flower und bumped up the nutes. I was keeping them at a low dose to try to keep them from growing to fast since I was hoping to have my flower box free by now. But the two in there are not quite ready yet. No amber trics yet and the buds are still getting fatter. I need to build more space for flowering.


Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I was informed that i should take my plants and tie some rope to the tops of them and pull them towards the ground. Doing this would expose the main trunk of the plant so that more bud will grow there and not be hidden under all the damn leaves... What do you guys think?
That probably would be a good way for you now since you want to get some as soon as possible. But you can use string, you don't need rope. Get some soft cotton maybe. Maybe just try to pull them apart as best as you can away from each other. And if you brake a branch when you are doing it (I'm speaking from experience here) just tie it back together as best as you can and close the wound. Duct tape works great. It will keep going like nothing happened. Like they said it is a good way to expose the lower branches to a lot more light and you should get more bud from it. I did that on my last outside grow. But mostly just to bend them over because they were getting tall, 6 foot plus and still growing and wanted to try to make them look less like pot plants in case a plane want over. In North Carolina where I was then they had planes flying around looking for them. But mostly big grows not some little thing like mine. I like to top and prune since I have the time and seems to give me a nice bunch all bud all near the top of the plant. And then I don't have to bother tying them down. Even though I was going to at one point and then decided not to. I've seen the lollipop thing but am not sure if you get more weight or just one big bud.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Here's a couple of the two I have in flower. You can see all the bud at the top. I am curious to check the weight of them when they are done. Looks like almost 1/2 the plant weight will be bud. Lots of little bud all down the middle to. IMO if you have the time to veg longer and prune it helps in more ways than one. Also gives it time to get a bigger and hopefully better root system going also. A bigger, better root system will make bigger, better buds I hear.



Well-Known Member
This is what I would like to do to my plant... so long as my light can penetrate the plant(s).... I would like to veg longer but I do not want to run out of room in my closet. I hear these plants will get 3 times as big in there flower grow vs. there veg grow. If this is the case and if all 3 plants are females then I will totally run out of room in there. Also i just put the 12/12 cycle tonight.

So, how much bud do you think I will get out of these three plants? Is there any way to guesstimate this?:bigjoint:

EDIT: This is NOT my plant.. its just a nice plant that i would like to replicate.. seems like they get a shit load of bud growing on it