Stealth Rubbermaid Growbox


Well-Known Member

Looking cool and cant wait to see how much time/yield these types of small stealthy systems provide. I would expect this current set up to take longer to veg and flower and the yeld would be small amount of personal smoke. What I love is the ingenuity involved. Here is my take on some possible future improvements.

Firstly this small system set up for hydroponics is going to give you more weed faster. A hydro system set up in this 3 plastic tote configuration with the bottom being your tank for a drip system.

The bottom tote is the watter tank it will need to be be fitted with a submerged watter pump, feed lines, air stone and airlines leading to a big fishtank airpump. Cut 6 holes in the lid of the bottom tote this will hold your net cups and grow medium. (6 plants may be pushing it for such small spot)

The middle tote is the foliage area. Cut matching holes for each plant in the bottom of the middle tote. Then line up and attach the bottom totes lid to the bottom of the middle tote with some holes, nuts, bolts, and washers. Keeping in mind that your going to be bolting the lid of this tote to the bottom of the top tote cut a large square out of it.

Your top tote should be the same size as the others as its going to be housing a lot. (lights, fans, timers, airpump, etc) Cut a hole in the bottom of this tote to match the hole in the lid of the middle tote. Again line them up and drill and bolt together.

Now lets talk lights..
In this configuration HPS isnt going to work way to much heat and not nearly enough ventilation. So yeah your stuck with compact fluorescent, t5's, or LEDs. Your light setup will need to be able to be raised and lowered. It takes 10.5 of those 115w compact fluorescent bulbs to equal the output of a 400w HPS even a worse ratio for the t5's. So those compact fluorescent are the way to go here.

As for the rest of the build I would use your head and think things through, common sense and some research on hydroponics. You will need to be thinking about proper ventilation, the configuration of your air lines and pump, the water lines/feeding system and in a way that it all fits the enclosed containers yet is easy to dissemble way so that you can take apart to tend the crop. I have my version of this pictured perfectly in my mind and am positive its doable.

Well like I said its just my take on the design and improvements. What ya have is a start and I can not wait to see those babys grow. Looking foward to more pictures and your thoughts on hydro. Peace out and happy smoken!:bigjoint:

Good Luck!!
hell yeah man, lets see ya do it, with pics too,dont forget pics either.


Active Member

Looking cool and cant wait to see how much time/yield these types of small stealthy systems provide. I would expect this current set up to take longer to veg and flower and the yeld would be small amount of personal smoke. What I love is the ingenuity involved. Here is my take on some possible future improvements.

Firstly this small system set up for hydroponics is going to give you more weed faster. A hydro system set up in this 3 plastic tote configuration with the bottom being your tank for a drip system.

The bottom tote is the watter tank it will need to be be fitted with a submerged watter pump, feed lines, air stone and airlines leading to a big fishtank airpump. Cut 6 holes in the lid of the bottom tote this will hold your net cups and grow medium. (6 plants may be pushing it for such small spot)

The middle tote is the foliage area. Cut matching holes for each plant in the bottom of the middle tote. Then line up and attach the bottom totes lid to the bottom of the middle tote with some holes, nuts, bolts, and washers. Keeping in mind that your going to be bolting the lid of this tote to the bottom of the top tote cut a large square out of it.

Your top tote should be the same size as the others as its going to be housing a lot. (lights, fans, timers, airpump, etc) Cut a hole in the bottom of this tote to match the hole in the lid of the middle tote. Again line them up and drill and bolt together.

Now lets talk lights..
In this configuration HPS isnt going to work way to much heat and not nearly enough ventilation. So yeah your stuck with compact fluorescent, t5's, or LEDs. Your light setup will need to be able to be raised and lowered. It takes 10.5 of those 115w compact fluorescent bulbs to equal the output of a 400w HPS even a worse ratio for the t5's. So those compact fluorescent are the way to go here.

As for the rest of the build I would use your head and think things through, common sense and some research on hydroponics. You will need to be thinking about proper ventilation, the configuration of your air lines and pump, the water lines/feeding system and in a way that it all fits the enclosed containers yet is easy to dissemble way so that you can take apart to tend the crop. I have my version of this pictured perfectly in my mind and am positive its doable.

Well like I said its just my take on the design and improvements. What ya have is a start and I can not wait to see those babys grow. Looking foward to more pictures and your thoughts on hydro. Peace out and happy smoken!:bigjoint:

Good Luck!!

Sounds like a great idea but I want to finish this grow before I make any changes. Gotta finish what I started. I haven't really thought about do hydro because it would prob be messy with me lol and I honestly don't know much about it besides the very basics. Thanks for the idea...I do like it and will prob try it once this first grow it outta the way lol. If you make a set up like this I would def like to and details lol. Peace



Active Member
OK so I checked on the girls again tonight (I can't get enough of them lol) and Almost all the girls have some sort of purple stems. The main stems are extreamly purple and the new growth seems to start green but turns purple. Is this bad. I think it's due to the difference in temp from when the lights are on and when there off. Am I right in my thinking? I haven't fed them since their transplant and burning...planning on water tomorrow or thursday. Should I wait on nutes because of the burn or add a little? They seems ok and there's new growth with every new day....just a little afraid to hurt them agian....they're my babies. anyway thanks guys



Well-Known Member
OK so I checked on the girls again tonight (I can't get enough of them lol) and Almost all the girls have some sort of purple stems. The main stems are extreamly purple and the new growth seems to start green but turns purple. Is this bad. I think it's due to the difference in temp from when the lights are on and when there off. Am I right in my thinking? I haven't fed them since their transplant and burning...planning on water tomorrow or thursday. Should I wait on nutes because of the burn or add a little? They seems ok and there's new growth with every new day....just a little afraid to hurt them agian....they're my babies. anyway thanks guys

dont quote me on this, but i was just reading somthing about this yesterday, i'll try to find it again. in the mean time get a few pics of what your talking about, because according to the conversation yesterday, you have a nute def.


Active Member
dont quote me on this, but i was just reading somthing about this yesterday, i'll try to find it again. in the mean time get a few pics of what your talking about, because according to the conversation yesterday, you have a nute def.

I'll take pics tonight for a full update and some of this issue. I am guessing either a PHO diff r a MAG but not sure. It could just be the temps too or genetics but it's hard to say. If it's the nute def...I'm afraid to give them anything because I burned them last time....I'll just have to wait until I check them all out one by one. Thanks man



Well-Known Member
I'll take pics tonight for a full update and some of this issue. I am guessing either a PHO diff r a MAG but not sure. It could just be the temps too or genetics but it's hard to say. If it's the nute def...I'm afraid to give them anything because I burned them last time....I'll just have to wait until I check them all out one by one. Thanks man

yeah, could be genetics. but check some of this out.


Well-Known Member
I'll take pics tonight for a full update and some of this issue. I am guessing either a PHO diff r a MAG but not sure. It could just be the temps too or genetics but it's hard to say. If it's the nute def...I'm afraid to give them anything because I burned them last time....I'll just have to wait until I check them all out one by one. Thanks man


LOL I get to get in yet another good point of the hydro!! If you happen to have put too many nutes into your tank. You simply have to drain your tank and refill it with watter. Your flushing your system, If your useing rockwool as the medium it will be 3 or 4 days to completly flush everything out. If your useing those clay pellets you can flush it clean in 1 or 2 days. Then refill and remix the nutes into that tank and your back in business. ((EDITED TO ADD)) these short flushes would be long enough to remove any threat from miss-mixed nutes. You will be Flushing them for the last 2 weeks of the grow with nothing but watter as well..

Yeah you can spend a ton of money on testing kits for everything and expensive nutes and these defently do work. I have seen people useing just merical grow into there water and not spending a lot of time and money on testing the ph, still to have much success. Those plants are going to sucking that tank dry of watter so you will defently be refilling that system multiple times.. 16 nice big tall ones under 4000w of HPS will take/use up 30gal or more of watter in a week. You will be suprized at how much watter they can use. This being said its just a matter of figuring out how much watter was used and replacing it allong with the accourding amount of nutes. An easy way for this would be to fill that thing up 1 gallon at a time marking the watter lvl with a perminate marker at every gallon or whatever incrament works best.

You should finish it like you started because then you can compare the results to that of the hydro when and if you give it a shot. Once I made the switch I found hydro to actually be more forgiving than soil nute wise. Simply because you can flush them with watter only for 2 to 4 days if you see them doing something you dont like..



Active Member
So I took pics and watered them last night and also had some one on one time (just watched them for like an hour lol) and now I get to show you all. Mary and Victoria are both doing great and have the most growth. Jane is a close second with the smaller girls coming up behind. There's no new problems and the old nute burn isn't getting worse so i'm happy there. When should I start my nutes again and when should I start my LST. I think Mary and Victoria are close to the starting point on this. Well thanks for looking and hope you like what you see.


These pics are of Baby Girl, The Experiment and Youngin



Active Member

I know what it's lacking lol...warm conditions and getting used to the outside world. She is the Experiment which was intended to test the outside conditions on a girl. SHe'll prob pick up once it gets a little warmer but as of now she is kind of just cruising and not growing too much. She's outside on the deck 24 hours a day. Like I said Experiment.

I believe the second pic was Mary and yes she is doing the best by far with that huge canopy. Thanks for the input and I'll keep ya update on the girls for sure.



Active Member
LST(low stress training) been reading up on this myself, they say best time to start is as soon as you get 3 or 4 sets of leaves.

I have 4 strong nodes (sets of leaves) on Mary, Jane and Victoria but I was worried about a weak stem and snapping them in half ahaha:bigjoint:. I guess they're good to go though and I'll start their training tomorrow or sunday...gotta see how work goes tomorrow first. I am only going to do some LST for this time around. Prob put up a screen the second time around. Thanks for the input...



Active Member
I have a grow box similar to this, my 6 plants are in their vegetative stage and im using an exaust fan no carbon filter. When will I need to buy a carbon filter cause right now they dont smell


Active Member
I have a grow box similar to this, my 6 plants are in their vegetative stage and im using an exaust fan no carbon filter. When will I need to buy a carbon filter cause right now they dont smell
I am about 23 days in I believe and they are still in their Veg stage and they are putting off a nice pine like smell. Can't notice unless you take them out of the box and get em movin lol. I would rec. getting a carbon filtr sooner rather then later...better safe then sorry hmmm :mrgreen:

havent heard from you in a while, how are the girls doing? lets see some pics of the LST.

Been super busy this week...working a ton and school...I'll have a full update soon. The girls are doing great and showing a ton of new growth...I can't describe and pics will better show you anyway. but I can't take any until maybe tomorrow but most likely Friday. The LST is going great. Still on their first bending but they are responding great to it. Thanks for checking in + rep for that (EDIT: tried to do that and they won't let me lol)...:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
I am about 23 days in I believe and they are still in their Veg stage and they are putting off a nice pine like smell. Can't notice unless you take them out of the box and get em movin lol. I would rec. getting a carbon filtr sooner rather then later...better safe then sorry hmmm :mrgreen:

Been super busy this week...working a ton and school...I'll have a full update soon. The girls are doing great and showing a ton of new growth...I can't describe and pics will better show you anyway. but I can't take any until maybe tomorrow but most likely Friday. The LST is going great. Still on their first bending but they are responding great to it. Thanks for checking in + rep for that (EDIT: tried to do that and they won't let me lol)...:bigjoint:

alright man, cant wait to see how you decided to go about LST, seems how theres several different ways to do it.