Carb-loading will only help if your soil is deficient.. If its not, then adding more is kind of like eating dessert after Thanksgiving dinner..

If you've got a strong mychorrizae colony, then carbs are even more important.. Mychorrizae are a special group of fungus to certain plants.. They literally grow into the root, and their colony adds a tons of surface area equivalency..
So with a strong colony, a good portion of your root system is actually fungus, and its going to want carbs to eat and stay strong..
Non-mychorrizial microbes merely break stuff down, so as long as that job gets done, all is good, but if the fungi that have taken residence in the roots are joined at the hip with the plants, so you gotta keep them strong, or lose alot of root vigour..
I saw one experiment where they grew corn in specific mychorrizia rich soil, and others in control soils that were pretreated with a specific antifungal.. When they reached a certain point the mychorrrzials were stronger.. They added the specific anti-fungal to both group's soils at this point.. The corn grown in control soil kept growing pretty normally, but the mychorrzia grown samples took a serious punch to the teeth..
There is one tricky thing about mychorrizae though.. And that is they are somewhat plant type specific.. Some are mychorrzial with some plants, others with others.. Amanita Muscaria mushrooms are mychorrzial with alot of hardwoods for instance, but not with cannabis..
Kind of a reason I've never dropped big bucks on mychorrzial labelled soil, but I break those sterility rules and mix in some ultra loamy surface soil from forest lowlands with softer green plants .. That was what my dad had us collect each year when we prepped our garden, and our garden was always a talking point in the community.. I've never done big soil grows though.. When I was growing seriously I was doing hydro.. After university I did soil-grown personal crops, never had more than 2-3 at a time though, so concise experimention didn't happen.. My dad is no fool though.. He may be a lumberjack who uses words like 'fer'

, but he REALLY knows the forest so I'm giving benefit of doubt for now..
And for the record, I've never had a bug problem..
Hard to believe your worms couldn't handle that.. Not so hard to believe that 427 goldfish couldn't hack pH 5.4 with more NH3 than the norm for too long..
I'm trying to think of a unique word/phrase that was in that carb uptake info.. Without that finding that again will be tough..