Growing mushrooms is more profitable then weed!


New Member
You do realize you dont have to eat shrooms dont you? You can smoke them too.....



There is in no way ANY effect achived by smoking fact,psilocybin,the active ingredient,breaks down at high temps,so fire will completely destroy the active enzymes..making it useless...just so you dont belive me,go to the shroomery and ask if you can smoke mushrooms..Im sure the professional mycolgists there with 30+ years of experience will quickly put u in ur place...

also,growing mushrooms is SSSOOOOOO easy and fun..I just got done inoculating 15 jars of wbs( wild bird seed) with 2 syringes of homemade karo LC;s....all this was done in my sterile homemade glovebox..made using a rubbermaid tub,latex gloves,and envelopes!!



Active Member
Yea, you don't smoke 'em boss. But I thought I'd throw my hat in the ring. I started growin shrooms bout the same time as weed. And I will say it is easy as hell. Started for personal use with rice cakes, recently upgraded to rye grass seed and casing to supply the solid core of friends who all partake. Especially after one got sick from some that were bought from an outside source. With me doing it, we all know safety is first. I get easy potent shrooms, friends get a cheap and trusted source, and we all have a blast.

But I am actually converting my clone box to my shroom box this weekend when I give away the clone I worked up for a buddy. I can post a pic of the this box if anyone's interested. It's actually perfect for the shrooms cause it gives the insulated heat I need.

But yea, I'm down with shrooms and weed. They're both as natural as they get, shrooms almost more so since you're not even burning them.


Well-Known Member

There is in no way ANY effect achived by smoking fact,psilocybin,the active ingredient,breaks down at high temps,so fire will completely destroy the active enzymes..making it useless...just so you dont belive me,go to the shroomery and ask if you can smoke mushrooms..Im sure the professional mycolgists there with 30+ years of experience will quickly put u in ur place...

also,growing mushrooms is SSSOOOOOO easy and fun..I just got done inoculating 15 jars of wbs( wild bird seed) with 2 syringes of homemade karo LC;s....all this was done in my sterile homemade glovebox..made using a rubbermaid tub,latex gloves,and envelopes!!

before you go jumping down peoples throats it is possible to smoke shrooms and feel won't trip or see anything but yes you WILL feel something....what my buddies and I used to do is with the shake from our shrooms we would grind it up and roll a few blunts with it and smoke those while we were waiting for our shrooms to kick in......and it made the body high from the shrooms hit almost instantly(usually it takes about a half hour)

no you will not straight up trip if you smoke shrooms but you WILL feel something, if you dont believe me go try it before you come on here telling people how dumb they are


Well-Known Member
THC breaks down under light And under high temps.....THC burns at 160* so by your reasoning a bong shouldnt get you stoned because it destroys all the THC....:roll:

When you smoke a joint, the first half basically vaporizes the second half. Not all the psilocybin gets torched.

You dont trip as much if you smoke mushrooms, But it gets you fucked up. And its definitely as additive as Pot if you do it enough.



New Member
about 94.8% of what you dimwits felt was the awesome human phenomenom known as the placebo effect...if you weanted to feel something from smoking the mushrooms..then yeah,the mind will start realsesing endorphins,etc..


Well-Known Member
about 94.8% of what you dimwits felt was the awesome human phenomenom known as the placebo effect...if you weanted to feel something from smoking the mushrooms..then yeah,the mind will start realsesing endorphins,etc..

....Man some people are so ignorant. First off I dont smoke shrooms. I wouldnt say Im a "dimwit".

THC also breaks down at high temps.... By your reasoning Pot doesnt get you stoned when you smoke it. By your reasoning getting stoned on weed is simply the "placebo effect".....:wall:

What about mushroom tea? I have had mush tea many times and the boiling water had no effect on the psilocybin. I got Fucking Schwacked.

Before you keep spreading false info do a little research...



Well-Known Member
Boiling shrooms isnt the same as igniting them.

You dont know very much about shrooms, and it shows. I'd quit while youre ahead...


Well-Known Member
about 94.8% of what you dimwits felt was the awesome human phenomenom known as the placebo effect...if you weanted to feel something from smoking the mushrooms..then yeah,the mind will start realsesing endorphins,etc..
contrary to your belief not everyone who has a different opinion than you is a "dimwit". Just because someone told you that you can't feel anything from smoking shrooms doesn't mean 94.8% of what I feel is the placebo effect. You have no idea where anyone gets their shrooms or how they smoked them or anything

quit runnin your mouth man


Well-Known Member
Boiling shrooms isnt the same as igniting them.

You dont know very much about shrooms, and it shows. I'd quit while youre ahead...
How is the high temps from boiling any different then "igniting" them?

Also, when you smoke a joint, the first half of that joint vaporizes the material in the last half, so its not all getting combusted.

You have no argument, you just say I dont know what Im talking about.....maybe You should quit while your ahead....



Well-Known Member
The difference is the flame, bro. An open flame has much higher heat than boiling water, and will instantly destroy the psylocibin. Boiling water (like with thc) will not destroy it. Both psylocibin and thc are combustible, but the difference is that thc is psychoactive when ignited. Psylocibin is not.

Any effects felt from smoking mushrooms would be FAR less effective than eating the same amount of them.

Its only a google search away my friend...


Well-Known Member
The difference is the flame, bro. An open flame has much higher heat than boiling water, and will instantly destroy the psylocibin. Boiling water (like with thc) will not destroy it. Both psylocibin and thc are combustible, but the difference is that thc is psychoactive when ignited. Psylocibin is not.

Any effects felt from smoking mushrooms would be FAR less effective than eating the same amount of them.

Its only a google search away my friend...

I didnt say it would have more or equal effect to eating them did I?

What I Did say was that you can and will get high smoking mushrooms. You really cant compare trips because its 80% mental anyway. With mushrooms If you dont think your gonna get high, you wont, you just feel down and tired all night.

A bong load of mushrooms might not do much, but a fat joint Will. When you smoke a joint the material isnt all being combusted instantly....Once you light the joint the smoke is vaporizing the rest at much lower temps.

Then theres the fact that differnt shrooms contain different amounts of psilocybin and psilocin.

Im not saying smoking shrooms is better or worse. Im just saying it can and will get you high, and people shouldnt be spreading false information like claiming that its the "placebo effect" that gets you high.



New Member
Thanks to all the guys who helped put this bastard in his place..first thing;s first..its obvious you never stepoped foot in a classroon if you think that the temps of boiling water and an open flame are the same...WOW...not even close..water boils at 212* open flame is around 10 times that..also its clear you know NOTHING about psylocybe cubensis( so called magic mushrooms)...I sometimes make mushroom tea,I nor anyone here never said mushroom tea doenst get you fucked def does....however smoking them will instantly incinerate the active ingredients....theres so much more I can explain to you.but im quite drunk,and feeling too lazy to write too much crap!

also,thc and phylocybin are too VERRYYY diffrent substances! and yes,smoking a "joint" of mushrooms might get you messed up,however,its quite impractical since it breaks doiwn too much of the actual; ingredients....


Well-Known Member
Thanks to all the guys who helped put this bastard in his place..first thing;s first..its obvious you never stepoped foot in a classroon if you think that the temps of boiling water and an open flame are the same...WOW...not even close..water boils at 212* open flame is around 10 times that..also its clear you know NOTHING about psylocybe cubensis( so called magic mushrooms)...I sometimes make mushroom tea,I nor anyone here never said mushroom tea doenst get you fucked def does....however smoking them will instantly incinerate the active ingredients....theres so much more I can explain to you.but im quite drunk,and feeling too lazy to write too much crap!

also,thc and phylocybin are too VERRYYY diffrent substances! and yes,smoking a "joint" of mushrooms might get you messed up,however,its quite impractical since it breaks doiwn too much of the actual; ingredients....

Bastard in his place? Clearly your not reading the thread or your in your own world right now. Too bad they took away -rep. Its perfect for uptight assholes like yourself.

Um, Where did I say a flame and boiling water are the same temp?

Stop acting all high and mighty like you know it all. Where did I say smoking mushrooms would have more or equal effect to eating them?

I said that smoking mushrooms Will get you high. Its as simple as that.

Stop spreading false information like saying smoking mushrooms wont get you high. Thats just stupid.

about 94.8% of what you dimwits felt was the awesome human phenomenom known as the placebo effect...if you weanted to feel something from smoking the mushrooms..then yeah,the mind will start realsesing endorphins,etc..
Totally untrue, Why do you post false info?

There is in no way ANY effect achived by smoking mushrooms..
So which is it? No effect or "very little effect"? Make up your mind. Your acting like you know it all while contradicting yourself.....:wall:

I NEVER said smoking mushrooms will get you as high as eating them, what I said is that it can and Will get you high...:eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
ive smoked mushrooms when i was younger and nothing there a special way you are supposed to smoke them or something???

i would just rather blend them with some oj...yumm


Well-Known Member
ive smoked mushrooms when i was younger and nothing there a special way you are supposed to smoke them or something???

i would just rather blend them with some oj...yumm

Mushrooms are quite weak. You have to smoke a LOT. Eating 2g of mush seems normal, but sitting down and smoking 2g of mush to your dome is not easy, its kinda gross, and half way through your probably gonna get distracted....:lol:

I prefer eating them too, or making tea, its Much better then smoking them. They do taste like shit to smoke.

I like them with Twix, or anything with caramel. That or melt down some chocolate, fill some Icecube trays with dried and ground shrooms, 1 gram per icecube slot, then fill up the try with melted chocolate and throw it in the freezer. Chocolate mushrooms....mmmmm :eyesmoke:
