What is wrong with this little guy


Active Member
I planted this one in the same seed starter the others were in and are doing fine. I let it dry out then water it, I do not give it food just water as the seed starter has food in it. It is appx 7 weeks old and will not grow, now it is wilting. Any ideas?


robert 14617

Well-Known Member
its drowning they need to receive oxygen let it dry if its not already too late
is that your picture in the avatar john?


Active Member
its nitrogen there aint enuff in this stage they neen more to grow and have a healthy photosysencess fix that and u should be doin good in a week


Well-Known Member
poor soil no pearlight and large chunks of bark
The guy above has already given you the answer :-)

Soil looks very poor, plant looks like its drowning, even if you allow it to dry out you can still deluge those delicate roots when you do water. Better to spray lightly at that stage as its almost impossible to overwater using a spray bottle. You need to keep the soil just moist at that stage until it gets some roots down.

I'd start again becuase that plant is mighty stressed and it will take a lot to recover.

Hope this helps, good luck.


Active Member
The pete is a seed starter and has been in that mix for almost one and a half months. So you think it used up all the nutes in the soil? I have been useing recipe for success starter kit. But not been putting any on this plant. I did not want to over do this plant. should I put a bit of this on the plant?


Active Member
Since I am atheist I try to let everyone know that the pope was a formar hitler youth. Its Ratzenberger. I put some recipe for success on it, if it dies I know that was not it. I would rather experiment on it than pull it. It should have a root system. it never did grow big even though it was planted the same time as another one that is three times as high.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i think the roots are having trouble in the course soil and the amount your watering according to the photo has your plant in nute lockout..the pope thats priceless


Well-Known Member

Carefully tip it upside down and let it slide out into your hand. Examine the roots, if they are brown in colour and not white then the roots are dying. Personally I would repot it to a slightly bigger pot with a some fresh soil for the roots to grow into, thats if they are not too far gone. If the soil is warm and wet a round the roots you need to get them out of there ASAP. Always good to experiment :-) Good luck, let us know if it pulls through.


Active Member

Carefully tip it upside down and let it slide out into your hand. Examine the roots, if they are brown in colour and not white then the roots are dying. Personally I would repot it to a slightly bigger pot with a some fresh soil for the roots to grow into, thats if they are not too far gone. If the soil is warm and wet a round the roots you need to get them out of there ASAP. Always good to experiment :-) Good luck, let us know if it pulls through.
I am about ready to just give up. I thought it might be ph to alkaline, I washed it with water with lemon juice to make the water 6.5 and today the plant is wilting. I don’t know if I shocked it or what. The thing that is starting to piss me off is I threw a couple of tomato plants in an out door tub and did absolutely nothing and had more tomatoes than I could eat. This is a dam weed and I cant seem to get one answer that someone else does not say the opposite of. and the plants go back and forth very finicky. I was set to join the legalize crowed and support, but if I can not grow the crap what use is it? Is there a step by step basic to how to grow this stuff? I tried to watch a few YouTube videos and it is more about someone showing off their grow room than teaching how to grow from the beginning, there is more attention paid to the rap music in the background than information. If anyone has a link to some real informative site please post it. Thanks

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
I am about ready to just give up. I thought it might be ph to alkaline, I washed it with water with lemon juice to make the water 6.5 and today the plant is wilting. I don’t know if I shocked it or what. The thing that is starting to piss me off is I threw a couple of tomato plants in an out door tub and did absolutely nothing and had more tomatoes than I could eat. This is a dam weed and I cant seem to get one answer that someone else does not say the opposite of. and the plants go back and forth very finicky. I was set to join the legalize crowed and support, but if I can not grow the crap what use is it? Is there a step by step basic to how to grow this stuff? I tried to watch a few YouTube videos and it is more about someone showing off their grow room than teaching how to grow from the beginning, there is more attention paid to the rap music in the background than information. If anyone has a link to some real informative site please post it. Thanks
your doing way too much people tell you your over watering you dont listen you add your special ph'd water grow it like you grew the tomatoes your making it harder than it needs to be , if your not gong to listen to anyons advice than why even post?:wall:


Active Member
your doing way too much people tell you your over watering you dont listen you add your special ph'd water grow it like you grew the tomatoes your making it harder than it needs to be , if your not gong to listen to anyons advice than why even post?:wall:
I can not do "way to much that people are telling me" and "not listen" at the same time. they in incompatable. I take you last idea to heart though, over watering. Some where between throwing the seeds in a ditcha nd walking away and hoving over them from germination to harvest is a correct process. It is hard when one person says "its a weed dont do anything" then next post says " PH is crytical get a 500$ ph meter and test often" The next says " I have never bought a dam ph meter in 8 years for growning" Its no wonder it is a hit and miss Hobby. You can not get two people to agree on any one thing.