Fish Emulsion...How often?


Well-Known Member
so I should feed her every other feeding with it? or should I go every feeding just lower doses?
Growing plants isn't like painting by numbers - there's no set formula for success. Don't try and feed your plant on a set schedule, feed it as and when it needs feeding. The problem most inexperienced growers have is that they cannot see the early deficiency signs early enough to take preventative action. That's NOT the plants fault - that's your problem and you need to figure out a way of dealing with it.

The next thing the inexperienced grower does is overfeed the plant too much too soon to try and cure the 'problem' all they succeed in doing is over-fertilising their plant which is probably worse than having not done anything at all.

Plants growing in soil can take upwards of 6-7 days to show the affects of a single feeding, by that time of course your deficiency has got a lot worse - that's why you need to catch it early.

Fish emulsion is NOT suitable for a complete vegetative feed, it is used as a 'one off' or ocassional boost in Nitrogen and trace elements - that basically means don't use it as a complete fertiliser feed - because it isn't. Use it as a 'booster' feed to top up Nitrogen levels.

I'm always twitchy about giving people advice when they tell me what the problem is - how do you know for sure its Nitrogen def?


Well-Known Member
due to the light light green leaves.......
Get them out of that MG slow release fertiliser soil and into something without it. That's what your problem is, the reason ones worse than the other is because the slow release capsules may release fertiliser at a different rate.

If it was N deficient the problems would start at the bottom of the plant first - not the top.


Active Member
I planted them in MG organic now...I have alot of new growth at the bottom and at the top...but the leaves are still light green.

what would you say the problem is?