1st Time Uk Grower~Fem WW~DR100 Setup


Well-Known Member
*Shoud have originally been posted on 7/2/09 but due to time restrictions could not*

Hello all.
I've been a member here for a few weeks and i can honestly say this is a great site.
I've smoked weed for nearly 20yrs now and i am totally ashamed to say that i've never actually grown my own yet consider myself to be a lover of fine weed,I know :roll:.... it's just wrong!
Today i embark upon a journey to right the wrong's of my past and hopefully grow the best weed i have ever smoked.
You can pull up a chair,roll a blunt and join me if you wish on my redeyed journey.......:bigjoint:

Feminized White Widow on the left and on the right Afgan x Mazar

Plagron lite mix with perlite

All hesi products
Bloom complex
Phosphorus plus
TNT complex
Root complex



400w grolux dual spectrum with diamond reflector

125a Ruck Fan with high flow carbon filter

6inch mini fan

(Digital hydrometer on its way)

Germinated 6 Feminized White Widow seeds between 4 sheets of damp kitchen towel in a tupperware box and left in the boiler cupboard overnight.

Checked seeds and 4 out of the 6 have allready sprouted...left them another 24hrs.....

Checked the seeds and all 6 had germinated,planted all the seeds in cups and filled with plagron lite soil and put under light in grow room covered over with plastic,added 1 drop of hesi supervit and 5ml of hesi root complex to 2ltrs of water and fed each plant a little amount....temp 80f.

Checked potted seeds,all 6 of them have poked their lovely heads outta the soil and are reaching for the sun :)

Well as you can see this is where i'm up to at the moment,please feel free to leave your comments wether they be good or bad.I'm here to learn.....Thanks for droppin by.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Looking good there man. I see all the ingredients for success. What size pots do you plan on using and what final plant height are you shooting for? Most important things for right now are to hold off on nutes until the fourth node of growth (probably about two weeks from now) and don't overwater. Looks like you've done your research but make sure you are lifting up your cups every day and wait for them to get light and dry. They should feel almost empty and weightless before you water again. Good luck and I'll be following along. When you are finished you'll be so glad to smoke buds that you truly know the quality of. Plus, if you're like me, you'll learn all sorts of interesting things you never knew about this plant that you've been smoking your whole life:-P


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping guys :)
Hey Mared thanks for the tips,Ok i plan on transplanting them into 11litre pots for their final destination.Hopefully i can get them to around 18 inches just before flower allthough height isn't a problem.I was looking at uncle ben's thread about cropping the top of them at the second node...I'm seriously thinking about this as its gunna be hard to get some lighting under the canopies as theres 6 plants in there.My lights on a roller system so i can drop it and raise whenever.I've managed to get the light to 1 1/2ft away from the seedlings but im concerned about the temp as its between 80-90f at the moment(don't wanna use the ruck fan till flowering as its loud as hell)...I'll grab some more minifans this weekend!.....Other than that nothing else to say really apart from im a tad concerned about them stretching....got home from work today and all 6 are around 2inch tall(is this normal for day 4?)...Uh i didnt mention that i'm running my lights 18-6.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yea a couple of cheap fans should do the trick. Just put one up high to blow hot air out and one down low to blow cool air in. As far as the stretching goes, 2 inches does sound pretty tall for 4 days but vertical growth should be really slowing down at this point. The seedlings will pop up real fast from the soil but then almost stop getting taller and start growing bigger leaves instead. As long as you have that 400 watt at 18 inches or less I can't imagine that your stretching will get that bad. I wouldn't stress it.


Well-Known Member
Ello guys
What a nightmare day ay work!.All ive done is worry about stretching my babies. Got home today from work and they haven't got much taller yet the yet the first set of leaves have got bigger so your spot on in your evaluation :)
Got the temp under control to 75f with the light at 18inches but only if i leave the top half of the door open,i dont think it will matter much as the light is low to the floor which is reflective as are the door and sides but i could do with somebody to verify that im not making a big miskate by leaving it open please(i dont leave it open when the lights are off....Total darkness).I can't stop checking up on them haha...Grow you B@@@@@ds and make daddeh proud.I will post some pics later on,not much to look at but im tryin to keep my journal up to date as i can always use it as a reference on my next grow.


Well-Known Member



Here's the lastest pic's,sorry about the quality as they have to be taken on my mobile phone at the moment.Not worried about stretching as ive noticed the soil levels have dropped when i fed them last(i didn't pack it down when potting the seeds to keep it nice and light in there.)...topped up the cups with a little soil,they seem alot sturdier now......You can see my little un in the top left hand corner of the group shot,i got a lil finger twitch whilst potting and went a tad deep on the last cup but all in all im a Happy Camper :bigjoint:

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
It looks like you have sorted it out nicely. The first child always gets the name brand diapers - hahahah. Good luck with your grow.


Well-Known Member
Shit i got probs with humidity,my hydrometer came yesterday and its at a constant 30%......anybody got a quick and cheap solution?

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Shit i got probs with humidity,my hydrometer came yesterday and its at a constant 30%......anybody got a quick and cheap solution?
ummmm... my solution would be not doing a damn thing but if you really want you could put an open container of water in there. In my experience low veg humidity is not that big of a deal. It is actually high humidity that will eventually become your real enemy. Once your growspace is filled with greenery, the respiration of the leaves will raise your humidity a lot. It becomes a bit of a fight in flower - I've had a couple experiences with mold and it sucks big time. So yea, don't worry about veg humidity too much. Maybe put a container of water with a fan blowing across the top to try to get moisture in the air.


Well-Known Member
ahh cool,cheers mared,by the way those buds you grown are some of the most beautiful i have ever seen....respect.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yea thnks man! I started out just like you only 9 months ago now. It's really not that hard to grow nice buds. Hardest part - and I can't emphasize this enough- is keeping it secret. You might have some frustrations when your plants have problems but nothing could compare to getting busted so just keep it low profile and you will have buds of your own in no time.


Well-Known Member
Yea i hear that.there's only 2 other people that know.....My fiance and my best mate for 25 yrs who i would trust with my life(fellow toker).I live a clean life anywayz..go to work,pay my bills and all that so im not sweatin it tbh...its all for personal use :)


Well-Known Member
indeed i do smoke alot,im hoping to get 6 ounce if everything is ok but im not too sure what it will yield in my growroom 100x100x200....6 ounce will hopefully last me till i grow my next lot....im sick of having to hunt for decent weed man..prices have gone up and the deals are getting shitter.