My cabinet grow journal!

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Well-Known Member
Chopped #6 today guys:

Here is some shots of harvest, and the soil out of bucket.

Look....hardly any roots, so it wasn't root bound......i don't know what was wrong!:wall: is the pics....enjoy!



Well-Known Member
Here is Crypto getting chopped::weed:
I know it's nothing special but for my first i'm impressed!!!:clap:
Love how they look like rock candy on a stick...:hump:

So whatchya' think guys?


smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
Oh, forgot these:
Heres where they hang, temps are right at 60 with RH of 55.
You guys think that is ok for drying without problems?:?:
55 % humidity is not to bad, i like to get it a little lower but not to much or they will dry to fast. youll want to keep an eye out for mold. you want to have a circ fan on low setting blowing but not directly on your product. and make sure they are not touching each other so you get good air all around each one. and you want it dark the whole time they are drying except for the few minutes you go in there and check for dryness and mold. dont forget you want about 10% moisture left in them so they will cure in jars. no moisture no cure. to much moisture you get mold.

those really look tastey and yeah rock candy lol


Well-Known Member
When you hang them long enough that the stem will snap and not bend is when I jar them, the stem will get moist again inside the jar. When you feel that it has returned to as moist as it could get open the jar and "burp" it for a little while. You should be able to stick your nose in the jar and feel the difference in humidity.
Leave the jar open as long as possible until the humid feeling is gone inside the jar.

It will lose all good smell for a while. Cut grass and hay are what mine usually smell like for a few weeks. When you open the jar to "burp" them and the stem is fragile and snaps right away then they are as cured as they can get because there is no moisture present anymore. You can cure more by adding moisture back in and repeating the process.


Well-Known Member
how do i know when there is 10% moisture left in them?
Weigh it then mulitply by 3 then devide by 10 percent! LOL LMF you fricken kill me!!:lol: Wait thats for 5 percent.:wall: J/K How did the PPP roots look?And plz tell me you new i was joking,with those calculations??Lmao hey if you can find someone willing to pay for those logs you got a great customer :lol:.Are i wont say the other.Im with Born tho 1oz wet=1/4 dry minus the logs!!!


Well-Known Member
When you hang them long enough that the stem will snap and not bend is when I jar them, the stem will get moist again inside the jar. When you feel that it has returned to as moist as it could get open the jar and "burp" it for a little while. You should be able to stick your nose in the jar and feel the difference in humidity.
Leave the jar open as long as possible until the humid feeling is gone inside the jar.

It will lose all good smell for a while. Cut grass and hay are what mine usually smell like for a few weeks. When you open the jar to "burp" them and the stem is fragile and snaps right away then they are as cured as they can get because there is no moisture present anymore. You can cure more by adding moisture back in and repeating the process.
Okay, that's what i thought but got confused when we started talking about 10 percent moisture. I 'll just follow this and see what happens.

Weigh it then mulitply by 3 then devide by 10 percent! LOL LMF you fricken kill me!!:lol: Wait thats for 5 percent.:wall:
Too high to even comprehend that beech, but i did pick up the gravity today. Dude cut me a deal on it and i got it for $22.00.
So, give me the run down on the G and dosage. I can get some in lucy and #5 at least once i know for sure. do i use the molass. with it?
How ya like them rock candy sticks i got hanging?LOL!!


Well-Known Member
Just don't keep those tree trunks on them if you're selling any..
I've found my dry yield is roughly 1/4 my wet weight, but I don't know how that ratio shifts with alot of stalk on the scale.. It is a great way to dry it, but you'll get a better cure breaking it down to the smaller nugs that it should rightfully be..


Well-Known Member
Just don't keep those tree trunks on them if you're selling any..
I've found my dry yield is roughly 1/4 my wet weight, but I don't know how that ratio shifts with alot of stalk on the scale.. It is a great way to dry it, but you'll get a better cure breaking it down to the smaller nugs that it should rightfully be..
AAWWWW....cmon born, why not?
You mean you wouldn't buy that bud lollipop?
I figured i would cut the top cola off with a little handle of a stalk, then the rest of the lowers trim off of the main stalk, when they go in jars?

Should i take them off the stalk before they go into the paper bags?


Well-Known Member
IMO any part of a cola that has its own clearly defined stalk should get taken off, then whatever at the tip can't be pulled away from the main stalk should be trimmed up as a larger bud..


Well-Known Member
IMO any part of a cola that has its own clearly defined stalk should get taken off, then whatever at the tip can't be pulled away from the main stalk should be trimmed up as a larger bud..
gotchya', thats my plan, i'm in the patience stage of waiting it out now, so we'll see how this goes..:roll:


Well-Known Member
Like I said that condition is ideal for drying.. Pinch em off just before the cure..
thanks born!

Took about 6 more PPP clones today from the momma before she went into flower. Also transplanted her into a 4 gallon bucket like beech said, and plan on having to go into a 5 gallon or hell maybe bigger!

Took 4 WW clones and put them into 1 gallon grow bags today and put into veg for about 1-2 weeks, or whenever i get room in the flower cab.


Well-Known Member
so today i got to the farm and found my WW clones not doing so hot.
I had two started in RW cubes, and two started in soil plugs.
The two in RW were drooped over and looked dead. The two in prop plugs were still healthy and strong.
I think it was getting too dry, and i'm almost sure i'll never use RW again for starting clones. Had this problem before but thought i'd give them another go......nope!!! Prop. plugs for me.

Also my hanging buds are looking beautifull after two days hanging. The stems still feel real moist at the end of the stalk, and the buds still feel soft. Some leaves are curling and getting a little crispy on the edges, but it's not ready to come out yet.

Gave Lucy and #5 a shot of Molass., and gravity today in their drink. They both still look more clear and cloudy. So.....we wait more!!!

This isn't as bad as i thought beech, i hardly have to worry about what's hanging!!LOL!!


Well-Known Member
Your bud will be crispy feeling before its ready to cure.. Stems should be just starting to snap instead of bend.. Then while curing they'll soften up as the internal moisture expands outward..
I actually like good RW for cloning, but not all RW is created equal thats for sure!


Well-Known Member
Your bud will be crispy feeling before its ready to cure.. Stems should be just starting to snap instead of bend.. Then while curing they'll soften up as the internal moisture expands outward..
I actually like good RW for cloning, but not all RW is created equal thats for sure!
yup, thats what i'm waiting for, the stems to snap, but they still bend. After that they'll go to the bags.
the RW has never worked for me, the soil plugs i've had 100% success with them. they just work better for me, ya' know.:mrgreen:
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