Bubble Hydro and lighting system questions from noob


Active Member
I hope this question isn't a stupid one. I tried searching for an answer before posting but it's quite specific so it's hard to find any info.

#1: After doing some research I've decided to try the aeroponic bubble-method. It seems like the easiest and cheapest and doesn't require a pump. I'm wondering though about the water level. I understand that it stays just a little bit below the net basket pot, but I'm wondering what happens when the roots start stretching out of the basket. Do you let them get right into the water? It seems like that could cause them to rot.

#2: If I wanted to use those little peat-moss seedling starters instead of the fiberglass things would that work? With the peat, you could be sure that your seedlings have a good root system started before putting them in the baskets with the clay beads. Would this dirty up the system or anything?

#3: Since this is my first batch ever, I'm going to grow using only fluorescent lights because a) costs less, b) I'm worried about the heat (and electricity) and c) I don't mind if the bud is weak because I'm a cheap high and it's just for me. I've heard the suggestions (and I agree) that you might as well go big and get a HPS light right away and I probably will eventually, but for now I want to start small to learn more and to get a good mother plant started. I've seen some pictures online which suggest fluorescents can produce smokable product. My question: is this a complete waste of time and my $90 seeds?

Thanks in advance for your help and sorry if these questions have been asked somewhere else.

fat sam

Well-Known Member
yeah man you can get some good smoke off that plus what you learn will be valuable for your next grows, but yeah in those things the plant grow water roots which go down in to the soup and mold is not really an issue being that you have the air pump going all the time stirring it up, its when you have stagnant water that you run in to problems, i have used those power growers before that is a tank at the bottom of the bucket wit hydroton on the top half, the pump would only come on 3 times a day durring the light cycle once the roots got long enough to get in to the water, as far as the jiffy pucks and those things they will fall apart or leak the dirt in to the bottom leaving you with no support for the stem so rockwool or hydroton or rocks are your best bet


Active Member
yeah man you can get some good smoke off that plus what you learn will be valuable for your next grows, but yeah in those things the plant grow water roots which go down in to the soup and mold is not really an issue being that you have the air pump going all the time stirring it up, its when you have stagnant water that you run in to problems, i have used those power growers before that is a tank at the bottom of the bucket wit hydroton on the top half, the pump would only come on 3 times a day durring the light cycle once the roots got long enough to get in to the water, as far as the jiffy pucks and those things they will fall apart or leak the dirt in to the bottom leaving you with no support for the stem so rockwool or hydroton or rocks are your best bet
Thanks for the info. I'm definitely gonna use Hydroton... I'm just wondering about the seedlings starting. I think I would start them in peat and then stack the hydroton around it after the stem starts to appear and the roots reach the edge. This is how I do tomatoes before transplanting them to dirt pots. I'll be sure to support the stems.