Raidermans white russian grow


Well-Known Member
yeah man 9 ft lol grow a shitload of crazy sativas lol, looks like concrete ceiling with stuckko, looks like it might be hard to hang lights iuno , but what if somone comes over lol they wont notice ur den gone ? lol we burried that part of the house.... was takign up precious heat i guesse looooooool man soil and not a yellow plant or probs .... props buddy ur doin awsome i think u should convert it lol or rent a house hehehe


Well-Known Member
the ceiling is sheetrok heavyduty , you use wing nuts wen hanging on sheetrok..not many ppl come over one knows i grow other than riu forum.wen i do i'll show you i get as much off a 600 than 1000 because of heat and closeness to plants without lite burn and heat stress.


Well-Known Member
i got 1400k hps for 5 in flower lol monsters and raiderman fuck dude quit changing ur avatar i keep thinking ur a new person lol fuck spread some rep around before you rep raiderman again im like shit whats raiderman doing with a cat now it was nugs and buds and crazy shit lol pic onnnneeeeee lol mine is my latest 3d idea alwase updated as soon as i figure a better one out lol


Well-Known Member
and after you get it your gonna wish you bought 600s. wy do you think thier the same prices if not more than the 1000s.i use hortilux bulbs in ea. also which are more expensive than the 1000s which refers to the quality than jus brighter and hotter.


Well-Known Member
honestly, i think your plants are the bes lookin ones i seen under 1000s honestly, amazing growth i believe.i think you got a bit more goin for you upstairs than these big ops if you want to know the truth.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
thanks man. much apreciated . yeah i could see more then 1 1k lite in a room would be stupid lol if ur doing like more then 1 or 2 lights i would say 600's for sure man... now it can get hot if im not home for a while the bdr door is closed windows shut it could get hot .... i cant leave the window open all the time cuz sometimes its super cold its winter up here man lol any ideas so i can leav for the weekend and not have to worry about coming back to charboild weed


Well-Known Member
yea me to , as the day heats up or cools down it affects the temp.that is a monster plant. is that the wite russian that biggin.


Well-Known Member
all 5 of them are white russian ... the middle smaller one was stunted at birth lol but picked up 2 weeks before flower so it was a-ok lol just a miniture version of the 4 monsters surrounding it lol


Well-Known Member
i also had one that started smaller then really picked up.its funny tho watching yours the future of mine hopefully.


Well-Known Member
ahaha yeah dammit i wish i had someone a week or 2 ahead of me lol i wanna know how giant these nuggs are guna get. raiderman how safe is this site.... u have no worrys posting shit and pics ???


Well-Known Member
raiderman, ur den looks like its almost as big as my house. get those 4 more 600's and throw all 6 of the bastards in there to capitalize on the extra light that would otherwise be just hitting walls and such.

or keep doing what you been doing, 'cuz its working just fine :D

(EDIT) now that's a bengal cat. but i love my wild kitties... that first one had to of been an ocelot. i got books and books on wild cats.


Well-Known Member
lol nice nice yeah a 1000 sq ft with a shitload of 600's lol very nice lol get tables4x6 and get a table for every 2 weeks of cycle flwoer em at birth


Well-Known Member
they look like ocelots, it could be,. 750 to 950 for kitten. for mating papers for breeding rites. them cost around 1,500 ea.i know some ppl in Beaumont and they sell for 400 for like breed.i have to wait till my nephew gets out of school. he lives with me here. i keep total quietnees wat i do the bes that i can. the basement is 400 sqare foot with elwctricity and all like a small apartment underground.


Well-Known Member
lol nice nice yeah a 1000 sq ft with a shitload of 600's lol very nice lol get tables4x6 and get a table for every 2 weeks of cycle flwoer em at birth
my lite bill come in and was only 250 to runa 2,700 sqare ft house with 2 600s goin, not bad huh,lol. yuor rite bro. thats the size i was lookin at or small plastic swimming pool which i prefer for over flow.keep the one in the garage goin for vegging and the one in my closet could do seeds. i love that lite in my room. it does not bother me at all, room smells good every morning,lol.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yours to bro,look real good. i'm jus sayin i guess there some with big grows that hve a lot of yellow and and not as educated as they think.jus because i can go online an spend 3,000 on eqip. doesnt make me a cash i am contemplating on sellin nex year and move out in the coutntry , down in the hill country here, you can get los qik there,lol. i live in town with a neighbor i hate and a big crackhouse nex door believe it or not, very obvious,lol.but they dont bother me . i keep a S&W 40 cal. close by anyhow.