Leaf wrinkling I think?? HELP Pics!


Well-Known Member
Hey all, I dont know if this is something or nothing at all since they are only 1 week 1 day old but I did notice today after a daily check that 1 leaf on one of my plants seems to be getting a little wrinkled? So first thing I did was feel it to see if it was getting dry and it didin seem to be it seemed pretty moist like the rest... and one part of it u can kinda see it curling in maybe? The only thing that was changed like 2 days ago I was testing a 100w MH light out in the grow room but I had it about 2-2.5 feet above the plants.. The pics are attached below any help would be awesome and rep will be applied accordingly



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
wellas long as she is still green and has no brown markson the leave i'd say good job they look good. may be a bit a the cold side for the leaves to look like that. looks fine to me.


Well-Known Member
Temp can do that, over watering, too much nutes... Many things can cause it. My little guys looked like that for quite some time. Check out my grow to compare if you like. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
wellas long as she is still green and has no brown markson the leave i'd say good job they look good. may be a bit a the cold side for the leaves to look like that. looks fine to me.
Nah I would not say its the cold causing this to happen... I monitor the temp through out the day and I programmed my temp sensor alarm to sound if temps go above 85F and below 65F...and so far its been good staying between 70-75. Im thinking its early signs of heat stress since the only thing that changed was me putting a 100w MH light in there for 1 day... well I took it out the other day so I guess today things should be looking better so ill be checking after work


Well-Known Member
Temp can do that, over watering, too much nutes... Many things can cause it. My little guys looked like that for quite some time. Check out my grow to compare if you like. Cheers.

Also... I only water every other other day, I feed them NO nutes since they are so young.. So again i think it leads me right back to temps..i hope its just easy and it was the MH light


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry bout it, usually sorts itself out. Only water when the plant is thirsty, IE dry surface to about 1-2 inches deep...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
that funny cuz i gave a clone to LET IT BURN and it looked good. at my place it was under a 400wtt mh. he took it home and its under cfl's and she loks just like that and he does not have a heat problem. so its kinda weird.


Well-Known Member
Hmm ph.. well I used FoxFarm medium and I water only with water that I have sitting out (24hrs+) in a 5gal bucket and I never used any kind of nutes yet so my ph should be pretty neutral


Well-Known Member
Not always... ph can vary from place to place. My tap water after sitting out have a 8.8-9.2 ph, the RO water I get at the store is at 6.8. Where I used to live, it was 6.2 from tap.....


Well-Known Member
If you are using bottled distilled water it should be around 7. But your tap will vary. This might not even be your problem but its a good place to start. Your seedling might of just had some trouble sheding the seed shell.


Well-Known Member
One of my Lemon Skunk plants has a first set of leaves that looks like that. I believe it was because the seed got "stuck" and they got deformed growing under its little helmet head. Those poor leaves had to fight to get from under its helmet.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about it one bit. The first set of true leaves are usually pretty funky looking anyway. As long as you don't have any brown spots, yellowing, or severe curling, you should be just fine.


Active Member
Tap water will only drop a few tenths of a Ph level if left out. The CO2 in the air will slowly acidize it. It will not be enough to correct Ph level if it is substantially high.